Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department
115 S. Andrews Ave., Room 329A-B
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
General Information
Daily Air Quality Index Hotline
24-Hour Hotline: Environmental Complaints and Emergency Response
The mission of the Department is to safeguard lives, natural resources and property of residents and visitors by providing for natural resource planning, management and protection, planning for appropriate land use patterns and housing mix, establishing an incident command system and emergency operations plans, enforcing environmental, development and construction regulations and providing for consumer protection. The Department has seven divisions:
- Development and Environmental Regulation
- Emergency Management (see Emergencies)
- Housing Finance and Community Development (see Housing)
- Environmental Planning and Community Resilience
- Permitting, Licensing and Consumer Protection (see Permitting, Licensing and Consumer Protection)
- Planning and Redevelopment (see Planning)
- Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality
Development and Environmental Regulation Division
1 N. University Drive, Suite 102
Plantation, FL 33324
General Information
Development Review
Impact Fees
Site Plans
Natural Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Surface Water Management
Upland Resources
Wetland Resources
The Development and Environmental Regulation Division sustains and enhances the quality of life in Broward County by ensuring impacts of development are addressed through provision of adequate infrastructure, services and environmental safeguards; water resources, wetlands and aquatic resources are protected through cost-effective licensing and enforcement; and preservation, relocation and replacement of trees are done in a cooperative effort with County municipalities. This is accomplished through the work of::
Aquatic and Wetland Resources Section – ensures that development activity throughout the County does not significantly impact aquatic and wetland resources; performs licensing, inspection and enforcement activities; assists with plan reviews; and evaluates the extent and quality of existing aquatic and wetland systems.
Tree Preservation Section – administers tree preservation and abuse regulations through licensing and enforcement, and prepares Environmental Impact Reports as required by the Land Development Code to identify conservation measures and/or provide appropriate mitigation should proposed development negatively impact specified environmental resources.
Water Engineering and Licensing Section – protects Broward County's water resources through the licensing of point and non-point source discharges and subsequent monitoring of compliance with Broward County Code and license requirements.
Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division
115 S. Andrews Ave., Room 329-H
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
General Information
Beach Projects
Energy and Sustainability
Land Stewardship
Marine Resources
NatureScape Broward
Water Planning
Water Policy
The Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division protects, restores, and enhances the quality, abundance and diversity of the County’s natural resources through coordinated management efforts, including research, planning, monitoring, project implementation, and outreach activities. This is accomplished through the work of:
Water Resource Policy and Planning Section – participates in policy development to optimize the beneficial uses of Broward County's water resources through review, oversight, and guidance of regional planning efforts and assessments. This section coordinates regional water resource management strategies through the development and application of models and best practices and the administration of the Water Matters and NatureScape Broward Programs focused on county-wide water conservation and water quality protection efforts.
Urban and Natural Lands Management Section – administers the land stewardship program designed to provide funding support for the ecological restoration of publicly owned natural lands, and capital improvement of passive recreational areas. The program also monitors conservation lands, green space and open space sites in Broward County acquired through the 2000 Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond Program.
Beach and Marine Resources Section – administers programs which provide for beach erosion evaluation and prevention, artificial reef development and monitoring, coral reef management, endangered and threatened sea turtle conservation, marine habitat damage evaluation and restoration, and manatee protection.
Energy and Sustainability Program – plays a central role in addressing the County’s Climate Change Action Plan and managing regional climate and energy projects funded as part of a Federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant.
Environmental Monitoring Section – designs and conducts scientific surveys and investigations; supports agency efforts in resource protection and environmental compliance; serves as a County-wide environmental laboratory resource; and provides technical and scientific support for other governmental and private sector entities.
Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Division
1 N. University Drive, Suite 203
Plantation, FL 33324
General Information
Air Permitting/Compliance Section
Air Quality Index (Recording)
Ambient Air Monitoring Section
Environmental Assessment and Remediation
Environmental Complaints/24-Hour Emergency Response
Environmental Response
Outreach, Planning and Mobile Source Section
Pollution Prevention
Solid Waste
24-Hour Emergency Hotline
Wellfield Protection
The Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Division protects air, water, soil and other natural resources for the residents of and visitors to Broward County by sustaining and enhancing the overall air quality in Broward County and by ensuring that hazardous materials and solid waste are properly managed through air quality planning, environmental monitoring, environmental regulation, contamination remediation, environmental response, and public outreach efforts. This is accomplished through the work of:
Air Quality Section - monitors air quality to ensure compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards; prevents and controls emissions from commercial, industrial, and motor vehicle air pollution sources through regulation and compliance assurance; prevents air pollution through long-term air quality planning, promotes cleaner fuels and modes of transportation, and provides technical support and coordination for County climate change program.
For the current air quality index, call the Broward County Air Quality Index Hotline at 954-519-1280. For national and local air quality information, including Air Quality Index forecast, EnviroFlash notifications and real-time AQI conditions, visit airnow.gov.
Pollution Prevention and Remediation Section - implements and enforces County, state and federal environmental standards that govern the use, storage and disposal of hazardous materials and solid waste; conducts compliance inspections of facilities on a regular basis; oversees the identification, assessment and remediation of hazardous material discharges and releases to the environment; responds to citizen complaints and provide 24-hour emergency response; manages an afterhours on-call program; manages licensing programs for all hazardous material and waste management facilities; manage the wellfield protection program; manages two State-funded contracts (petroleum cleanup and storage tank compliance verification); and manages the Emerald Award Program which recognizes businesses and organizations that go beyond compliance in protecting the environment.
Enforcement Administration Section – provides centralized management and coordination of the Department's environmental enforcement program. It establishes Department-wide enforcement standards thereby ensuring fairness and consistency among divisions, conducts training, resolves the most serious of environmental violations through administrative and judicial means, coordinates complaint response, and pursues penalty collection.