​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Child Care Licensing​​

​​​​​​​​News and Highlights

​CCLE Mission​

​​​​​Our mission is to regulate, enforce and improve the quality ​of child care in Broward County.  We are responsible for the state-mandated licensing and monitoring of all child care facilities and family child care homes in Broward County, including the inspection of School Readiness facilities and investigation of all child care licensing complaints. Child care providers are monitored for compliance with health and safety standards.​ 

Visit our Facebook page @BrowardChildcareLicensing for the latest news and information.​​


File a Child Care Licensing Complaint

Child Care Licensing complaints can be filed online (select "Request for Service") where you are able to track updates and receive results by e-mail, or by calling the Broward County Call Center at 311 or 954-831-4000. We will also accept written complaints.

Background Screening

​If you are a new or potential provider attempting to register through the clearinghouse, you must first contact Child Care Licensing and Enforcement and speak with a Child Care Quality Specialist to initiate the designation of an OCA/ORI Number. Once a number has been assigned, you may register with the Clearinghouse by using the “Clearinghouse Provider Login” link on the DCF Page www.dcfbackgroundscreening.com.​​​​ 

The Florida Department of Children and Families website can be accessed at http://www.myflfamilies.com/

Types of Child Care Programs

Finding the right child care program for your child is a critical decision to make. Knowing what the requirements are and the inspection process for a child care provider is also an important factor to understand when making such an important decision that can impact your child’s life.

In Broward County there are seven types of child care programs, as defined by Florida statutes, and the Broward County Child Care Ordinance which are licensed or registered by the Child Care Licensing and Enforcement Section of Broward County Government (CCLE).



Contact Us

For questions or application status, please contact the Child Care Licensing and Enforcement main line at 954-357-4800 or childcarelicensing@broward.org. For a list of phone numbers and emails by staff, see the ​Child Care Licensing and Enforcement Organizational Chart.


How are we doing?

We would love to get your feedback about the Consumer Protection website (www.broward.org/consumer) so we can better serve you.  Please help us by completing the following Customer Satisfaction SurveyYour feedback is greatly appreciated!​