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Second Annual Go SOLAR Renewable Energy Fest was a shining success!
The Go SOLAR Florida Team hosted the second annual Go SOLAR and Renewable Energy Fest on June 6-7 at the Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center. The FREE event featured information on alternative and renewable energy with a focus on the latest technologies, financing options and solar installation jobs and training. It is quickly becoming the premier event in South Florida to promote renewable energy and learn how to save money while using cleaner sources of energy. The Go SOLAR and Renewable Energy Fest had over 65 local, national, and international renewable energy exhibitors, 42 esteemed speakers, and over 1700 attendees over the two-day conference. Please stay tuned to the webpage over the next few weeks for video and pictures from the event. In addition, the powerpoint presentations from all of the sessions along with the recordings will be posted. To view the Go SOLAR Renewable Energy Fest presentations visit the Agenda web page.
The U.S. Department of Energy awarded the Go SOLAR Florida team a two-and-a-half year SunShot Initiative Rooftop Solar Challenge II award. The goal of the award is to make it easier for Floridians to obtain grid-tied solar installations. The purpose is to increase the use of and access to solar energy among the state’s residents and businesses by reducing market barriers, lowering non-hardware related installation costs and providing access to financing options.
Go SOLAR Renewable Energy Fest Agenda
For more information contact Matt Anderson at mranderson@broward.org.
Go SOLAR Renewable Energy Fest Main Sponsors
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