To act as liaison between the Broward County Board of County Commissioners (Commission) and residents of the Central County Community.
To hold meetings to receive comment from residents with regard to matters which affect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the Central County Community and to formulate ideas from the comments received.
To prepare and submit recommendations for consideration to the Commission regarding the nature and quality of services, projects, and program for residents of the Central County Community.
To perform other related activities as may from time to time be requested by the Commission.
Created by
Broward County Resolution #2012-512, enacted September 11, 2012.
Eight (8) members.
The Broward County Commission shall appoint two (2) members from each of the neighborhoods of Boulevard Gardens, Franklin Park, Roosevelt Gardens, and Washington Park:
• One (1) current president of the recognized neighborhood association.
• One (1) resident from each neighborhood.
All members of the Board shall reside in the applicable neighborhood.
A member serving in the capacity as president of the recognized neighborhood association shall serve for the duration of their term as president. If the neighborhood association president is unwilling or unable to serve on the Board, the vice president of the neighborhood association shall serve on the Board. If neither is willing or able to serve, the Commission shall appoint a resident from the applicable community from the list of neighborhood residents wishing to serve on the Board.
Members shall serve subject to the provisions of Section 1-233 of the Broward County Administrative Code as may be amended from time to time.
No member of the Board shall receive compensation for performance of Board duties.
Section 1-233 of Chapter 1, Article XII, Broward County Code of Ordinances, as may be amended from time to time.
Resolution No. 2012-512, indicates that a member serving in the capacity as president of the recognized neighborhood association shall serve for the duration of their term as president.
A majority of appointed members of the Board shall constitute a quorum
Alexis Marrero-Koratich, Esq., Assistant County Attorney
(954) 357-7600
Willowstine Lawson, Senior Program/Project Coordinator
Resilient Environment Department
Urban Planning Division
(954) 357-7794
Meetings are held quarterly, third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm.
Various Locations
Financial Disclosure not required.
Last Updated: 11/08/2019