Serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County regarding matters which pertain to the status and welfare of disabled persons in Broward County, Florida.
Submit reports and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners relating to matters which include, but are not limited to, discrimination, employment, and vocational training, as well as the present and future needs for public transportation, services, facilities and programs for disabled individuals.
Created By
Broward County Ordinance #79-20, enacted March 21, 1979.
Amended by Ordinance #88-22, enacted May 10, 1988, increasing the membership from fourteen to twenty-one members.
Amended by Ordinance #90-36, enacted October 9, 1990, changing the name of the Advisory Board for the Disabled to Advisory board for Persons with Disabilities.
Amended by Ordinance #2001-06, enacted February 13, 2001, decreasing the membership from twenty-one to eighteen members.
Amended by Ordinance #2001-51, enacted October 9, 2001, correcting the title of the Advisory Board to Advisory Board for Individuals with Disabilities; adjusting the qualifications for the board to conform with the current ADA specifications.
Amended by Ordinance #2009-27, enacted April 28, 2009, retaining the Advisory Board for Individuals with Disabilities; amending the meeting and quorum requirements to conform to Section 1-233 of the Broward County Code of Ordinances.
Eighteen (18) members.
Each Broward County Commissioner shall appoint two (2) members.
Members shall be permanent residents and registered voters of Broward County during the time they serve on the advisory board.
Members shall be representatives of organizations or agencies dedicated to the advancement of disabled individuals, or individuals who have demonstrated their dedication to the advancement of the disabled.
Fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the members shall either be disabled, or be a representative of an agency or organization dedicated to the advancement of the physically, mentally, or emotionally disabled.
The remaining members may or may not be disabled.
Section 1-233 of Chapter 1, Article XII, Broward County Code of Ordinances, as may be amended from time to time.
A majority of the total board members appointed.
Tricia D. Brissett
Carol Powell
Professional Standards/Human Rights Section
January, March, May, July, September, November, December (Annual Planning Meeting)
Third Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Broward County Governmental Center, Room 301
Special meetings may be called upon written notice to the membership signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the advisory board. Any changes in the noticed meetings will be posted in compliance with Florida's Sunshine Law.
Financial Disclosure not required.
Updated 06/05/19