Land Preservation
​​​The 2000 Land Preservation Bond Program of Broward County assessed, advised and managed the essential acquisition and protection of county lands; and, provided support to municipalities in their efforts to acquire, protect and manage undeveloped lands within their boundaries. The program successfully acquired more than 1,100 acres of conservation lands, green spaces and open spaces by the end of 2008, at which time available funding had been depleted. To have a listing of sites and the amenities provided through bond funding please visit: 

A list in table format including all sites acquired can be found here (pdf).   How the program defined... 

Conservation Lands are South Florida natural lands with vegetative and wildlife communities restorable to a reasonable healthy state. Though often fragmented, these remaining natural lands are refuges that provide shelter, food, and corridors to wildlife and facilitate movement amidst surrounding urban development. Conservation Lands provide passive recreational areas for residents and visitors alike.
Green Spaces, although still valuable ecologically, human impact on Green Spaces is greater than on Conservation Lands, resulting in loss of some important aspects of the native vegetative and wildlife community. As a result, Green Space restoration efforts are challenging. Green Spaces are important because they provide buffer zones or connectors between Environmentally Sensitive Lands and Conservation Lands.

 Open Spaces and Purchase of Development Rights include vacant lands, agricultural lands, developed sites, or even contaminated lands that can be cost-effectively reclaimed as recreational parks. Open spaces may include recreated wetlands, equestrian trails, and trails for walking, jogging or hiking. Within the Open Space category, funds have been allocated for the purchase of development rights (PDR) on agricultural lands. Property owners look after the agricultural property, continue the farm-related activities and prevent development of the site for something other than agricultural use.