No Frog. No Clog.

​​​No Frog. No Clog. logoHelp prevent sewer clogs in your neighborhood

Sewage is used water and wastes discharged by a community and collected from the drains of sinks, showers, toilets and laundry facilities and flows into sewer lines, or collection systems, from the drains in homes and businesses. From the sewer lines, it is then transported to a sewage treatment facility.

Sewers back up when sewage collection lines get clogged by items flushed down toilets and drains such as Fats, Rags Oil and Grease (FROG) that get caught in the line and plug it up.  In addition to the costly repairs, sewer back ups are messy, foul-smelling, and pose a serious public health threat. 

  • Only feces, urine and toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet.
  • Other drains should be only used to dispose of used water and soaps from cleaning.

Never flush down the toilet or drain

  • Fats, cooking oil or grease
  • Motor oil
  • Disposable diapers and baby wipes
  • Disinfectant wipes 
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Big chunks of garbage
  • Cat litter including “flushable” cat litter
  • Feminine napkins, tampons and applicators
  • Dye (hair /clothing) or tanning solutions
  • Flammable products (lighter fluid, acetone)
  • Acidic and toxic substances

Proper Disposal Tips

  • Throw bulky waste materials in trash.
  • Freeze small amounts of fats, oils and grease in a container with a tight-sealing lid and dispose of in trash.
  • Mix oil with an absorbent material such as coffee grounds, place in a tightly-sealed container and dispose of in trash. 
  • Use a strainer in your sink to catch scraps.
  • Cover drains with fine screen or catch basket. 

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