FY 2023 - 2024 Fee Schedule​

​​​The Human Services Department provides services to residents of Broward County (“clients”) either directly or by contracting with community providers.  In instances when the Human Services Department provides the services directly, it has authority to charge fees to clients on an individual fee-for-service basis when services are not otherwise paid for, in whole or in part, by any third-party payers.  The following is a description of each service category and the fee associated with that service category effective October 1, 2022. 

Human Services Direct Services Fee Schedule



​Rate ​

​​​Unit of Service​

​Medical Detoxification​

​​Detox Bed Day


​Bed Day

​​Residential Treatment Service​ ​

​Residential Bed Day


​Bed Day

​Assessment Services ​

​​Bio-Psychosocial Part 1
Bio-Psychosocial Part 2
Bio-Psychosocial Update


​​Per Hour 
(Pro-rated in 15 minute increments)​​

​​​Assessment Services

​Triage Assessment


​Per Hour

(Pro-rated in 15 minute increments)​

​​Treatment Planning

​Treatment Plan Development
Treatment Plan Review


​​Per Hour

(Pro-rated in 15 minute increments)​

​​Counseling Services


Individual With Family


​Per Hour

(Pro-rated in 15 minute increments)​

​​Counseling Services



​​Per Hour

(Pro-rated in 15 minute increments)​​

Contracted Rates

The Human Services Department and its Division​s may apply for and receive grants, negotiate rates, and execute agreements with third-party payers. The Human Services Department and its Division​s may apply for and receive grants, negotiate rates, and execute agreements with third-party payers.

Standard Rates

Standard rates will be set for the purpose of filing claims on behalf of clients who are covered by a third-party payer who has not contracted with Broward County.  The standard rates will equal 150% of the Direct Fee Schedule rates or the highest contracted rate for the service, whichever is greater.  Standards rates will be set annually.

Fees for Continuing Education Units (“CEUs”) 

Outside participants attending training which provides CEUs may be charged a fee by the Department or its Divisions.  Fees will be determined based on costs to provide the CEU or training.  If the Department or any of its Divisions receives a grant to provide training, the cost of the CEU may be offset to the extent of the grant funding.

Human Services Department Sliding Fee Scale

​The Department has established a sliding fee scale based on the annually established U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines for the forty-eight (48) contiguous states (“Sliding Fee Scale”).  The client’s income level and family size will determine the percentage of the Direct Service Fee that will be billed to the client. 

​Income Level​
(Percent of Poverty Level)

Percent of Direct Service Fee
Billed to Client​

​0 to  150%​


​151%  to  200%


​201%  to 250%


​251% to 300%


​​301% to 350%


​351% to 400%


​​401% to 450%


​​451% and above


Acceptable Forms of Payment 

Acceptable forms of payment will be posted on the Human Services Department Website.  The Department and its Divisions reserve the ability to accept cash, money orders, credit and debit cards, and personal or cashier’s checks as a form of payment. Returned checks will be subject to the fees established in the Administrative Code.
