Master Plan Updates

​2021 Master Plan Update Validation

In February 2021, the BCAD authorized a validation of the Master Plan Update to analyze the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the previously established Master Plan recommendations. The validation effort included aviation activity recovery projections, a reassessment of the capital improvement program and the implementation plan, and a financial feasibility analysis update.  The effort resulted in a confirmation that, as one of the fastest recovering large hub airports in the country, the recommendations from the MPU remain valid and necessary to support passenger demand at the airport. 

The forecasts and recommendations developed as part of these studies are subject to change based on external factors affecting demand, such as the Global COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations may also change based on the availability of funds to support cost-effective development. The following links provide access to each chapter and appendix of the Final Master Plan documentation as approved by the FAA and FDOT.


Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Executive Summary
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Cover - Volume 1
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Cover - Volume 2
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Table of Contents​
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Chapter 1 Introduction/Overview​
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Chapter 2 Existing Conditions Inventory
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Chapter 3 Aviation Activity Forecast
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Chapter 4 Demand/Capacity Assessment and Facility Requirements
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Chapter 5 Alternatives Definition and Evaluation
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Chapter 6 Environmental Overview​​​
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Chapter 7 Sustainability Initiatives
Final Draft FLL 2020 MPU Chapter 8 Capital Improvement Program and Financial Analysis
Final FLL Airport Layout Plan Drawing Set November 2020​
FLL Appendix A
FLL Appendix B
FLL Appendix C​​
FLL Appendix D​
FLL Appendix E​
FLL Appendix F
FLL Appendix G​
FLL Appendix H​​
FLL Appendix I
FLL Appendix J
FLL Appendix K
FLL Appendix​ L​
FLL Appendix M
FLL Appendix O​

​2020 Master Plan Update

Overview and Approval Summary

The Broward County Aviation Department (BCAD) received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval for the FLL Airport Layout Plan (ALPs) on February 9th, 2021. Additionally, BCAD received the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) acceptance of the FLL Master Plan Updates (MPU), which includes the ALPs, on January 20, 2021. Together, approval and acceptance of these documents provide the final formal approval from regulatory agencies. The MPUs provide a cohesive and cost-effective plan for building new facilities, roads, garages, and utilities at each Airport to meet the operational needs through 2035. The master plan updates achieved the following key objectives:

• Identify capital improvements to meet the operational needs through 2035.
• Satisfy the needs of the market and the communities.
• Balance environmental, social, and economic impacts. 
• Create documents required by the Federal Aviation Administration which enables BCAD to seek federal funding through the Airport Improvement Program
  (AIP) and collect the Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs) to offset development costs.​