Commercial Filming
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International and North Perry Airports
The Broward County Aviation Department (BCAD) recognizes the important economic contribution of commercial production and the publicity it generates for our community. BCAD allows the use of its facilities by film, videotape, and commercial still photographers. One can film in specific public areas with the proper coordination through the Aviation Department’s Office of Public Information. We generally discourage film productions during normal daytime hours or during peak travel times/periods. Producers must first obtain approval from BCAD and the Broward County Office of Economic and Small Business Development (OESBD) - Film Commission prior to beginning their projects at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) and North Perry Airport (HWO). The County requires specialized insurance and a Film Commission-issued permit for all commercial filming/videotaping, training videos, and still photography. The Aviation Department will make every effort to allow producers to use its facilities. Production companies must understand that the Department has the responsibility to the traveling public to provide a safe and secure facility as its foremost priority. When and if the airport can accommodate a production, it will be at the Department's discretion.
Guidelines | |
BCAD must have all the completed paperwork at least 10 working days in advance (for standard requests in public areas only) of the proposed filming date for the airport's consideration. In cases where the permit request involves filming in secured airport areas (airside, airfields, ramps, gate areas, etc.), whether at the main FLL airport terminal buildings or at an FLL tenant's leased space, such as a fixed-base operator (FBO), a minimum of 45 working days notice is required for special review by the Transportation Security Administration. Filming in these secured areas is generally not allowed and will only be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Steps for Filming Approval
1. Contact the OESBD - Film Commission at 954-357-8788 and complete a film permit. Go to the Film Commission's website for detailed information. Email the completed Film Permit and required documents to the Film Commission at They will provide BCAD with a copy of the completed paperwork.
2. Complete the attached BCAD Film Worksheet. This Worksheet requests information for successful filming. Send the completed Worksheet to Arlene Satchell, Public Information Officer, via email at or fax at 954-359-5797 with a copy to the OESBD - Film Commission. If the request is to film at HWO, also fax a copy of the Worksheet to Nina MacPherson, North Perry Airport Manager, at 954-962-3119.
BCAD staff will review the Film Permit and Photography Worksheet with the Airports' Managers. Management will approve, disapprove, or request changes to the filming request. BCAD will notify you of their decision and discuss any possible options.
3. If Management agrees to the filming, the next step is to schedule a walk-through, which is required before the final permit approval. Call Arlene Satchell at 954-359-6116 at least two weeks in advance of the filming to determine the needed airport locations. The walkthrough will cover security, safety, and parking opportunities. If the producer needs to use airport electrical power, please make that request prior to the walkthrough so an airport electrician can be on hand to answer technical questions.
Other Information
If a film permit is approved for filming in a non-public area of our airports, the production crew must display the appropriate special visitor badge issued by the TSA/FLL and be escorted by a badged BCAD employee or similar designated airport point of contact (tenant, contractor, etc). These individuals must have active security clearance and badged escort privileges.
In most instances, the producer will need to hire an off-duty deputy or deputy from the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO) to provide crowd management and security for the airport. These BSO deputies are available to assist the airport staff in maintaining normal operations. They will NOT provide security services for the production company. The number of deputies will depend on the size of the crew and the filming location. The walkthrough will determine the number of BSO deputies needed.
Producers can hire off-duty BSO deputies through the Sheriff's Special Detail Office, 954-831-8199. Please note: Off-duty deputies must be deputies assigned to the airport and in possession of a current BCAD airport security badge.
BCAD does NOT allow filming beyond the security checkpoint (including airside and airfield areas such as taxiways and FBO aircraft ramps, etc.)
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) does not allow the filming of security checkpoints, personnel, procedures, or equipment.
Only domesticated animals (dogs, cats, etc.) are allowed in the terminals to be used as "models" during a shoot.
Production companies must obtain written permission from the airlines and other airport tenants (rental car companies, airport stores, etc.) before photographing any of their brand names, locations, personnel, or aircraft. We will assist you with those contacts.
If the production company wants to use tenant-leased space at the airport, the company must make arrangements with the tenant.
FLL has an exclusive contract for food and beverage service in the terminal area. Production companies requiring these services should contact the contractor for the appropriate terminal:
HMS Host (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2) Mark Smith, Senior Director of Operations Telephone: 954-359-1427
| Lauderdale F&B Partners (Terminals 3 and Terminal 4) Eric Haseman, General Manager Telephone: 954-359-1500 ext. 23101 |
Contact Information
Broward County Aviation Department Arlene Satchell, Public Information Officer 954-359-6116 / Email: / website: 320 Terminal Drive, Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
| OESBD - Film Commission Christy Andreoni, Film Specialist 954-357-8788 / Email: 115 S Andrews Avenue, #A680, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 |
OESBD/Broward Office of Film & Entertainment
Effective January 2022, the permitting process has been transferred to Broward County's OESBD under the supervision of Broward County's new Film Commissioner, Sandy Lighterman. For assistance, please call or email Christy Andreoni for questions about film permitting.