Building A Better Airport Experience

​​ Weapons and Travel Do Not Mix!

Learn more about FLL's "Pack The Fun, Not the Gun" public awareness campaign


Did you know that if a firearm is discovered in your carry-on bag while going through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) passenger screening checkpoints, even if you have a concealed weapons permit, your travel plans will be interrupted?

In 2024, the TSA intercepted 113 guns in carry-on bags during passenger security screening checkpoints at FLL. While that number is still too high, it's a welcomed 16% drop in discoveries versus 135 firearms stopped in 2023. Factors contributing to the decrease include ongoing public education efforts by federal and local security partners and the airport's "Pack the Fun, Not the Gun" campaign. The result: FLL is no longer a top 10 airport​ for TSA gun interceptions, and we want to keep it that way!  In 2023, FLL ranked ninth among the top 10 U.S. airports with the highest number of firearms found at security checkpoints. That compares to 134 firearms discovered in 2022, 128 in 2021, and 86 in 2020. 

In October 2019, the Broward County Aviation Department joined forces with local and federal law enforcement partners to launch the "Pack the Fun, Not the Gun" public awareness campaign to remind travelers it is illegal to enter a TSA passenger screening checkpoint with a weapon. The intent was to convey clearly that weapons and airports don’t mix. In 2019, the TSA stopped 100 guns at FLL security checkpoints.

Our primary goal is to create public awareness about the dangers and consequences of traveling with weapons. Ninety-nine percent of travelers caught with illegal weapons at the checkpoint say they packed them by mistake or simply forgot they were in their carry-on bags. This ongoing campaign serves as a reminder to our guests to leave weapons at home. If you plan to travel with a licensed firearm, the TSA says it should be unloaded, packed in a special locked container, declared with your airline, and transported as checked luggage.

TSA penalties for firearms may cost more than $10,000, and repercussions could include an arrest. Watch the TSA's "Traveling with Firearms​" video to learn more. 

Updated: February 2025

"Ride Safe" Campaign

At FLL, we're committed to providing all airport guests with a safe and welcoming environmentThat's one reason we have a Ride Safe Campaign reminding travelers to make smart decisions, not risky ones when considering ground transportation options at FLL. It's also our way of reinforcing our commitment to a hassle-free airport environment. In addition to posting Ride Safe messaging on baggage claim carousels, terminal vestibule doors, flight information display screens, and over the terminals' public address system, we promote the campaign via the airport's website and social media. 

We're notifying these unauthorized transportation providers to cease this illegal activity at FLL.

In June 2023, FLL launched a new Ground Transportation Enforcement Team to concentrate efforts on identifying and deterring these solicitors. During its first six months of operations, the team issued nearly 200 ground transportation citations (22 for solicitation). As FLL's operator, the Broward County Aviation Department conducts joint undercover enforcement efforts with the Broward Sheriff's Office, our law enforcement partner, to identify and deter these ride solicitors. Eight undercover operations occurred from June to December 2023, resulting in multiple citations and trespass warnings. 

Notably, most ground transportation (GT) movements from FLL are by legitimate and authorized entities, including taxis and Transportation Network Company entities (ride shares). In 2023 alone, we had more than three million of these types of authorized GT operations. ​​​

Again, for your safety and the security of your personal belongings, always visit the Ground Transportation desk in baggage claim at each terminal or speak with uniformed airport personnel at designated curbside stands to find a legitimate provider. 


Updated: February 2025

​​​Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety Upgrades

As airline passenger volume and vehicular traffic continue to grow at FLL, our goal is to provide a safer environment for pedestrians and motorists using the airport's terminal roadways. In 2019, the Aviation Department installed a new pedestrian crossing signal system to more efficiently and effectively operate the lower-level crosswalks outside of Terminals 2, 3, and 4.

Crosswalk improvements included an audible pedestrian-activated signal system, enhanced overhead lighting, new traffic signals, and new warning signs and pavement markings for drivers. Additionally, ADA-accessible ramps were installed on both sides of the curb, including impact bollards for pedestrian and terminal safety. Curbside passenger waiting areas are now more spacious.

​FLL Emergency Notification and Communication Update

CEO/Aviation Director Mark Gale's presentation to the Broward County Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - Read and/or print the Emergency Notification and Communication presentation (PDF)