​​​​Save a Life, Foster a Pet!​​​​​​​​​​​

Thank you for your interest in becoming a foster parent! Anyone who lives in the Tri-County area (Broward, Miami-Dade, or Palm Beach Counties) interested in fostering with Broward County Animal Care is welcome to apply! Applicants must be 18 years of age or older to become a foster. If you are under 18, the primary caregiver in the home must be at least 18 years of age.

We receive a variety of pets needing foster care at our facility. Some dogs and cats may be too young to stay at the shelter overnight and not quite ready for adoption; Some may have injuries or are ill; Others may be stressed and not kenneling well. Your assistance in providing needed care can positively impact the lives of these pets.

Fostering a pet takes special dedication and commitment but is extremely rewarding. Foster pets must be returned to our Foster Clinic for checkups every two or four weeks, so please be sure you can commit to the time and care needed for your fostering success and the health and survival of your foster pet(s). 

What kind of pets need foster care?

  • Kittens and puppies unable to eat or eliminate on their own and require bottle feeding and stimulation
  • Mothers with nursing kittens or puppies
  • Orphaned kittens who weigh less than two pounds
  • Orphaned puppies less than 8 weeks old
  • Pets with injuries, illnesses, or skin conditions
  • Long-stay shelter pets

Apply Today to Start Saving Lives!

Email Foster@broward.org to be sent a copy of the foster application or visit Broward County Animal Care between 11am-5:30pm to apply in person.

Foster Program Requirements:

  • Be 18 years old or older
  • Live in the Tri-County area (Broward, Miami-Dade or Palm Beach Counties)
  • Be able to drive, or have access to, transportation to bring the foster pet to the Foster Clinic for bi-weekly or monthly check-ups or in case of emergency
  • ​Have the ability to initially keep foster pets separate from personal pets for 10-14 days

Please be prepared to provide the following documents with your application:
​​​Government-issued ID, such as a Driver's license, Identification Card or Passport
​Proof of current address, such as recent mail or utility bill
​Current Rabies Certificate for each owned pet in the home over the age of 4 months
​Proof of current county registration tag for each owned pet in the home over the age of 4 months​

Foster Pet Checkups

All foster pets must be examined by our Foster ​Clinic every two or four weeks, or as instructed by our clinic staff.  Checkups are by appointment only and can be scheduled online​ or by emailing Foster@broward.org

If a foster pet is experiencing an emergency between 10am-5:30pm, please email Foster@broward.org or contact the Foster Team directly.

Community Service Hours for Students in the Foster Household

  • Community service hours are not applicable for court-mandated service
  • Kittens must reach 2 pounds and be cleared by clinic staff for sterilization surgery. This may require as little as two weeks, or more than two months, of fostering depending on the care needed. Upon successful completion of your foster term, 40 hours of community service will be awarded to the student. If more than one student participates, the hours will be divided equally.  The service hours awarded are a maximum of 40 hours, regardless of litter size, length of service, or health of the foster pets.

  • Adult cats and dogs must be in foster care for at least one month and the foster parent must proactively promote their foster pet for adoption to be eligible for community service hours. Upon completion of your foster term, 40 hours of community service will be awarded to the student. If more than one student participates, the hours will be divided equally.
  • If any foster commitment is ended early, it is at the discretion of the Foster Coordinator to award community service hours based on the reason for early return. 

For more information, email Foster@broward.org

​ Frequently Asked Questions

  • ​Q: Can I receive court-mandated hours by fostering?
    A: No, only hours required for school students are offered.

  • Q: How old do I have to be to become a Foster Parent?
    A: You must be at least 18 years old to apply to be a foster parent. While minor children can be in your household, the applicant and primary caregiver must be at least 18 years of age.

  • Q: Can I have other pets in my household while I am fostering?
    A: Yes, however, your pets must be healthy and should be kept separate from your foster pets for a minimum two-week quarantine period. In addition, they must be current on all necessary vaccinations and have a current county rabies registration tag.

  • Q: Can I foster if I live in another county?
    A: Residents of Broward County, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties are eligible to become foster parents.

  • Q: Does Broward County Animal Care provide food/medicine for foster pets?
    A: Starter kits are provided for the care of our foster pets upon pick up.  Animal Care also provides basic medical care and required medicines as approved by the County Veterinarian. Additional supplies are provided as needed, when available.

  • Q: Can I adopt the pet once the foster period is over?
    A: Foster parents are welcome to adopt their foster pets, and receive priority to adopt along with family/friends.  All foster pets must be returned to our Adoption Center to be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped before any adoption is finalized.

  • ​Q: Can I let someone else foster my foster pet?
    A: No, your foster pet(s) must remain under your supervision at all times. If you need to transfer your foster pet to another registered foster, you MUST alert the Foster Team before doing so and gain approval.

  • Q: What if someone I know wants to adopt my foster pet?
    A: During drop-off for sterilization surgery, alert the customer service representative assisting you to provide contact information for the adopter, so that an adoption pick-up can be scheduled for the foster pet after surgery.
