The Cultural and Artistic Facilities ("C&A Facilities") Capital Support grant awards provide capital project assistance and support to recipients for the acquisition, development, construction, renovation, expansion, or improvement of new or existing cultural or artistic facilities located in Broward County. Non-profit organizations whose primary mission is arts and culture, or a Broward municipality proposing the construction of a facility with the primary mission being arts and culture may be eligible to apply.
A cultural facility is one that houses an organization whose primary function is the programming, production, presentation, or exhibition of any combination of the cultural arts. Cultural facility projects must be located in Broward County, FL.
Award Amounts: $25,000 - $500,000
Application Release Date: October 16, 2024
Implementation period: October 1, 2025 - September 30, 2028
Application Deadline has been extended to December 20, 2024 at 11:59pm
Grant Restrictions - We Do Not Fund:
A facility that is or will be used primarily for housing administrative offices or for storage is not considered a cultural facility for this program. Funding for feasibility or market studies (financial, arts programming, site selection searches, audience surveys, operating projections) are not eligible.
An application for a Cultural and Artistic Facilities ("C&A Facilities") Capital Support challenge grant must be for a purpose expressly authorized by the Local Option Tourist Development Act (Section 125.0104, Florida Statutes Section 125.0104).
Application Submission Schedule FY2026.
Application Workshops
Please follow us on Eventbrite to stay updated on upcoming workshop dates!
Panel Review Meeting: TBD
Application Guidelines:
Where to Apply
To start a new online application, (or create an account login)
click link below: