Acknowledgement Requirements for Grant Recipients
Congratulations on being recommended for funding from Broward Cultural Division. Acknowledgement of the Division's support is a contractual obligation of receiving County funds and helps to ensure recognition of the County's support of arts and culture. This page and the linked PDF contains logos and other recognition guidelines for your information and use.
Grant recipient requirements:
Acknowledge the Cultural Division
Submit content to ArtsCalendar.com
Grant recipients are required to acknowledge the County's support in all online and print materials related to the funded organization, program, or project. In general, recognition is required for the duration of the project (for Artists Support and Program Support grants) or for the entirely of the grant period (for General Operating Support).
If notified by Broward Cultural Division, some support recipients may also be required to acknowledge the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Additionally, grant recipients are required to submit program and event listings to ArtsCalendar.com, the Division's primary outlet for promoting arts and culture in Broward County. When possible, we also ask that the ArtsCalendar logo be placed on grantee websites to help promote the site as a county-wide resource.
Cultural Division Logo Guidelines
Grant recipients are required to place the Cultural Division logo on all printed and online materials.
General Operating Support (GOS) – for organizations receiving major support though GOS, the Cultural Division logo is required for the duration of the project period in which the support is given (Oct. 1-Sept. 30). The logo should be placed in a manner consistent with the level of support given.
Program and Artist Support Grants – for organizations and individuals receiving project-specific grants through our Program Support and Artist Support Grants, the Cultural Division logo is required on all materials related to the specific program or project being funded, for the duration of project.