​At the conclusion of the applicable project period, grantees are required to submit an online project report with the Cultural Division. This report allows grantees to update the Division on the progress toward achieving the attended outcomes of grant-funded programs.

Project reports provide important data the Division uses to communicate the impact of the County’s investment in the arts and culture sector.

In order to complete your project report, grantees must keep accurate records, accounting for the actual uses of funds compared to the projected uses of funds detailed in the original application. It is important to note that failing to submit your project may negatively impact your ability to receive future funding from the Cultural Division.

Documentation and Project Reporting

Documentation of work is required for evaluation. Acceptable file formats and parameters are listed below. File formats listed in bold are best for submission although the others listed are acceptable.

When choosing what samples to upload, please consider your artistic discipline and the type of documentation to best showcase your artistic accomplishments. Remember, those reading and evaluating your applications may not know you and your past work.