

Broward Arts Journalism Alliance (BAJA) is an initiative of Broward County to increase arts coverage in traditional print, digital, and social media through the contributions of local experienced arts journalists and content creators, the cultivation and training of new arts journalists and content creators, and strategic partnerships with area media outlets.

A modern take on the traditional newsroom, BAJA is an alliance of local arts writers hired by Broward Cultural Division to tell the stories of Broward's artists, arts organizations, culture, history and creative profiles. The program selects and hires writers at competitive market rates to provide content for local publications and has a dedicated editor assigned to the program.

Call To Writers

The Broward Arts Journalism Alliance was designed to explore innovative methods in local arts coverage for a variety of writers to achieve a greater volume of new content, with richer more informed dialogue about the Broward arts community.

Content producers: writers, journalists, photojournalists, video journalists, from the South Florida region are invited to apply for a Call to Writers for the Broward Arts Journalism Alliance (BAJA) to be competitively selected to participate. BAJA is seeking a diverse range of contributors, including voices and perspectives that have historically been underrepresented in the arts writing sphere.

Content producers who have resided in Broward, Miami Dade, Palm Beach, or Monroe counties for a minimum of 12 months and have proof of residence are eligible to apply. Writers residing locally, mainly within Broward County, will be prioritized. 

A selection committee, made up of Broward Cultural Division staff, area editors, local media professionals, and experienced professionals in the arts community, will review the submissions and make final recommendations to the Broward Cultural Division.

To read current articles by BAJA writers, view ArtsCalendar.com blog page here​

Cultural Division - 100 South Andrews Avenue, 6th Floor - Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Meredith Clements - MClements@broward.org - 954-357-7463

To receive information about the next Call for Content Producers, please sign up for our email list here: 

To read ArtsCalendar.com blog page here: 
