How To View Recorded Plats
  1. Direct your browser to Scroll down page and click on “Public Records Search” (located on the right side under “Online Services”)
    Home Page indicating Public Records search
  2. Click the blue “Search Records” button
    Public Records Search
  3. Accept the disclaimer
    accept the disclaimer image
  4. Change the viewer to PDF and save the setting (you should only have to do this the first time you visit the site)
    Public Records diagram 4
  5. To search by Plat Book and Page, click on “Book / Page” on the left side and click on the “Book Type” drop-down and click on PLATS
    Public Records search diagram
  6. Enter the Plat Book and Page you are searching for, and enter the letters/numbers that appear in the box at the bottom (this is a security item)
    Public Records search diagram
  7. Select the hyperlink for the plat you want to view
    Public Records search diagram
  8. View the plat in the PDF viewer. From this point, you can print or save a copy by clicking the PDF viewer buttons (circled in red in attached image)
    Public Records diagram