​​​​Reduced Fare Photo ID Card ​​BCT offers a Reduced Fare Photo I.D. Card to make it easier for persons age 65 years and older and disabled persons to qualify for the reduced bus fare.

Photographs for the Reduced Fare Photo I.D. Card program are taken at the Broward Central Terminal, 101 NW 1st Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, and at the Lauderhill Transit Center, 1359 NW 40th Ave. in front of the Lauderhill Mall, Lauderhill​.

Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9AM to 4PM (closed for lunch 12:3​0 to 1:30PM) at the Customer Service Center. 

Persons 65 years and older have the option of obtaining a Reduced Fare Phot​o I.D. Card or showing another acceptable form of identification with proof of age. To receive a Reduced Fare Photo I.D. Card, riders must prove eligibility according to these requirements:

For a BCT Disabled Reduced Fare Photo I.D. Card, proof of disability is required with a Medicare card or a dated letter from doctor (on Doctor’s letterhead) stating 50 percent or more permanent disability or a Social Security Award Letter (letter must have the wording ‘disabled individual’ and be dated not​ more than 30 days from current date​).  All require a valid government issued photo I.D. too. All Medicare cards, doctor letters and Government issued photo I.D. cards must be originals. No copies will be accepted.
