
MyRide.broward.org helps you know when the next three buses will arrive straight to your location! Search by bus stop ID (listed at each stop) or Route Number to find it on the map and get estimated arrival times based on the bus’s location. View other routes in your bus stop by scrolling on the right and selecting the bus route. 

To plan a trip visit Google Transit.  For additional instructions, please visit the user guide page, where you can view an instructional video, download the User Guide, and view F​AQs. 

Download the MyRide Broward App​ (available in the Apple App Store​​ and for Android on Google Play ) to learn when the next three buses will arrive at your location!​

Thank you for using MyRide Broward. For any additional customer service questions please call 954.357.8400, seven days a week. ​​

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