How To Ride
Broward County Transit wants to provide a safe, comfortable ride for all passengers. In order to do this, we ask all passengers to please follow these rules and tips:
Rules For Riding the Bus
- All riders MUST pay the correct fare. The bus driver cannot give change.
- You may not use someone else’s bus pass.
- If asked, you MUST show proper identification.
- NO cell phone use while getting on the bus and speak quietly when using phone.
- Rude behavior is not allowed.
- No eating, drinking, smoking, or spitting.
- No gambling or doing anything illegal.
- Do NOT damage the bus, bus shelters, bus stops or any transit property.
- Pets (except service animals) must be in cages.
- Give the seats behind the driver to senior or disabled passengers.
- DO NOT play radios, tape players or CDs unless you wear headphones.
- Battery powered and motorized transport vehicles, such as scooters or segways, cannot be taken aboard Broward County buses.
- Remain seated while the bus is moving.
- ASSAULT OR BATTERY OF A BUS OPERATOR IS A CRIME: Verbal Assault is threatening to cause harm to a bus operator, which is a crime. Battery is any intentional, harmful or offensive physical contact with the bus operator, which is a felony under Florida State Statute 784.07.
Safety Tips for Riding the Bus
- After exiting the bus, make your way to the nearest designated crosswalk before crossing the street.
- When waiting for the bus, never stand in the street. Always stand at the bus stop on the sidewalk or in the bus shelter.
- Do not talk to the bus operator while the bus is moving.
- Quickly move behind the yellow line to back of the bus so others can board.
- Before getting on bus take children out of strollers, fold down stroller and place it between the seats.
- Shoes and shirt must be worn.
- Do not bring large bags or boxes on the bus.
- Keep feet and carry-on items out of the aisle.
- Exit the bus from the back door.
- If seats are available, do not stand when the bus is moving.
- Tell bus operator
BEFORE you remove your bike from rack.
NEVER run after the bus.
- Let bus depart before crossing street.
- FOR YOUR SAFETY: All buses are under video surveillance.