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Questions for the Humana DHMO rep can be directed to the e
mail link during business hours.
Customer Service is also available at 800-233-4013.
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In-network coverage only, South Florida network
No referral for specialty services
Must select a Primary Care Dentist or Facility for each enrolled family member
Covered services based on Fee Schedule; all other services received at a discount
Orthodontia coverage for children and adults
No claim forms to file
3rd regular cleaning at no cost
Free oral cancer screening (age 18 and older)
Pre/Postnatal deep cleaning at no cost through reimbursement from Humana
Implant Rider covering 50% up to a max of $1,500 per year, $10,000 per lifetime.
Pediatric Dentistry is covered to age 16.
Dental DHMO plans are like health HMOs. All services must be obtained from a participating dentist or specialist. No referral is needed for specialty services. Members are required to select a Primary Care Dentist (PCD)/Facility, or Humana will auto-assign one. Each family member can select a different PCD/Facility. PCDs can be changed on a monthly basis; however, the change must be made by the 15th of the month to be effective the 1st of the following month. A designated PCP is required to receive services.
Not all ADA (American Dental Assoc.) codes are covered under the DHMO plan. Services received for ADA codes not covered under the Discounted Fee Schedule are provided at a 25% discount. This plan does not include a “Missing Tooth” exclusion.
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2025 DHMO Plan Rates
Deductions for Domestic Partner and/or Over Age-Dependent (Child age 26-29 on 01/01/2023) coverage will be split between pre- and after-tax deductions.
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