
Questions for the Humana DHMO rep can be directed to the email link during business hours.
​Customer Service is also available at 800-233-4013.​​​​​​​​
  • In-network coverage only, South Florida network
  • No referral for specialty services
  • Must select a Primary Care Dentist or Facility for each enrolled family member
  • Covered services based on Fee Schedule;​ all other services received at a discount
  • Orthodontia coverage for children and adults
  • No claim forms to file
  • 3rd regular cleaning at no cost
  • Free oral cancer screening (age 18 and older)
  • Pre/Postnatal deep cleaning at no cost through reimbursement from Humana
  • Implant Rider covering 50% up to a max of $1,500 per year, $10,000 per lifetime.
  • Pediatric Dentistry is covered to age 16.
Dental DHMO plans are like health HMOs. All services must be obtained from a participating dentist or specialist. No referral is needed for specialty services. Members are required to select a Primary Care Dentist (PCD)/Facility, or Humana will auto-assign one. Each family member can select a different PCD/Facility. PCDs can be changed on a monthly basis; however, the change must be made by the 15th of the month to be effective the 1st of the following month. A designated PCP is required to receive services.
  • Note: Not all ADA (American Dental Assoc.) codes are covered under the DHMO plan. Services received for ADA codes not covered under the Discounted Fee Schedule are provided at a 25% discount. This plan does not include a “Missing Tooth” exclusion.​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​2025 DHMO Plan Rates
Deductions for Domestic Partner and/or Over Age-Dependent (Child age 26-29 on 01/01/2023) coverage will be split between pre- and after-tax deductions.


Contact Information 

Member Services: 800-979-4758
Visit: Humana