
What is a Flexible Spending Account?​​

​​​​ A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is an IRS tax-favored account you can use to pay for dependent daycare & eligible health expenses (medical, prescription, dental, vision and approved Over-the-counter expenses) not covered by your insurance or any other plan.
Flexible Spending Accounts feature:
  • ​IRS approved reimbursement of eligible expenses tax-free
  • Savings on Income and Social Security taxes

Under current federal tax law, unless the person qualifies as a dependent as defined by the IRS, expenses for that dependent cannot be claimed. Therefore, expenses for domestic partners, dependents of a domestic partner as well as Over Age Dependents age 26-30 cannot be reimbursed under a spending account.

"Use It or Lose It" Rule​

FSA accounts are subject to the IRS “use or lose” rule. Unreimbursed amounts left in either Account cannot be returned to you. Claims must be incurred prior to 12/31/24 and submitted to PayFlex by 1/31/24. Under IRS regulations, unclaimed amounts are forfeited. For this reason, we encourage you to be conservative in your estimates and only consider expenses you know you will incur in 2024.

Employees enrolled in a County CDH health plan: If you enroll in the Health Care FSA, all medical, prescription, dental and vision expenses for copays, co-insurance and deductibles will automatically be deducted from your Health Care FSA first. After the FSA account is exhausted, medical, prescription, dental and vision expenses can ​be reimbursed from your HRA.

Available Types of FSAs
​​Health Care FSA
​Dependent Care FSA
​Health expenses not covered by your insurance plan may be eligible for reimbursement using your FSA Health Care Account, including but not limited to:
​Dependent care expenses, whether for a child or an elder, include any expenses that allow you to work, such as:
  • ​Eligible health, prescription, dental and vision copays, deductible, and/or co-insurance
  • ​​Daycare services (child under 13, or adult)​
  • ​Limited over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • ​In-home care​
  • ​Eyeglasses and contacts​
  • ​Nursery and pre-school​
  • ​Dental expenses​
  • ​​Summer day camps
  • ​​Orthodontia

​​How to Use Your FSA Funds

If you pay for eligible expenses with cash, check, or a personal credit card, you can submit an online request for reimbursement. Or you can fill out a paper claim form and fax or mail it to PayFlex®. You may also use the PayFlex Debit Card®, your account bank card, to pay for your eligible expenses. When you use the card, the funds automatically come out of your Health Care FSA first.

Note: Save all of your receipts. If you have an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance plan, save that too. When you submit a claim, you’ll need to submit the EOB or receipt.

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