A Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) is a similar account that is also used to pay for eligible healthcare expenses*. You must also be enrolled in the HDHP to receive the County's contribution.
How is an HRA different from an HSA?
Contributions - You can NOT make contributions to this account; therefore, the account is only funded by the County. The account balances roll over each year.
Account Owner? The County owns the HRA
Card usage - All expenses, except for prescriptions, require supporting, detailed, documentation such as an Explanation of Benefits per IRS regulations.
Who can use the card? You, and your eligible dependents covered under your health plan.
Works with an FSA — You can have both a medical Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and an HRA at the same time. This means more ways to save money! Expenses will be paid out of FSA first, HRA second.