
Affordable Housing Dashboards

This interactive dashboard provides pertinent data regarding Broward County's housing trends, supply, cost burdened owners to renters and more.

Next Meeting

Broward County Governmental Center East, Friday, April 25, 2025, 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale​, ​10 a.m., conference room 430.

County Commission Affordable Housing Workshop

​The recording of ​the December 5, 2023, County Commission workshop regarding the 10-Year Affordable Housing Master Plan is now available.​ Access recording here.​​​

The BHC distributes a quarterly newsletter which includes information about housing policy, news items and BHC activities. To join the emailing list, please email your request to housingcouncil@broward.org​

The Broward Housing Council​

Since 2009, the Broward Housing Council (BHC) has served in an advisory capacity to the County Commission and facilitated coordination between the County, municipalities, the business community, and not-for-profit groups.  The BHC addresses housing issues including, but not limited to:  affordable housing, workforce housing, and homelessness.  

Created by the Charter of Broward County (Section 11.07) in November 2008, the BHC has between 17-19 members representing various cities, not-for-profit housing and homelessness organizations, service providers and  community representatives.  Commissioner Hazelle P. Rogers, District 9, serves on the BHC as the County Commission representative.  ​​

The BHC makes policy recommendations to the County Commission regarding affordable housing countywide.  Their 2022 adopted Work Program addresses seven (7) key areas:  Facilitate Coordination, Increase Affordable Housing Stock, Enhance Housing Stability, Advocate for Legislative Change, Streamline Process, Address Homelessness, and Support Countywide Financing. 

The public is encouraged to attend the BHC bimonthly meetings, tentatively held on the last Friday of every other month, from 10 AM -12 PM, at the Broward County Government Center, Room 430, located at 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale.​

Sadowski Housing Trust Fund
Video highlights affordable housing issues and high costs in Broward County and the general issues that come with affordability costs.