| Adopted March 28, 2019 unless otherwise noted (effective May 12, 2019) Some elements have been revised in 2021 & 2020; amendments in 2022 as noted
| BMSD Land Use and Community Planning The Broward Municipal Services District (BMSD, formerly known as Unincorporated Broward)
Comprehensive Plan (Plan) includes neighborhoods, enclaves, regional facilities, and the Water
Conservation Areas and does not apply to areas within the County that are incorporated into
| Element (revised 2020, amended 2022) | Support

| Capital Improvements Element The Element contains a list of the various improvement projects for public infrastructure
that are scheduled in the next five years, including the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP),
potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, recreation, aviation, Port Everglades, beach renourishment,
transit, community development, and public school facilities.
| Element (revised 2020, amended 2022, new tables 2022) | Support

| Climate Change Element The Broward County Climate Change Element provides a framework for integrating the economic,
environmental, and social factors of climate change. A Countywide strategy, based on local
vulnerability and consistent with regional efforts, the Element aims to mitigate the causes and address
the local implications of global climate change.
| Element | Support

| Coastal Management Element The Broward County Coastal Management Element provides a framework to guide the County’s
decisions and programs to maintain and restore the coastal resources.
| Element (amended 2022) | Support

| Conservation Element The Broward County Conservation Element provides a framework for the conservation, use, and
protection of natural resources, including air, water, water recharge areas, wetlands, water wells,
estuarine marshes, soils, beaches, shores, flood plains, rivers, bays, lakes, harbors, fisheries and wildlife,
marine habitat, and other natural and environmental resources, and the factors that affect energy
| Element | Support

| Deepwater Port Component The Broward County Deepwater Port Component describes the vision of upholding and enhancing
the Port’s local, regional, and international influence as a leading cargo and cruise port through
strengthening economic vitality, safety and security, environmental stewardship, and community
| Component (revised 2021, amended 2022) | Support (updated 2021)

| Historic Preservation Component The Historic Preservation Component describes the vision of preserving, protecting and enhancing
sites, buildings, structures, objects, districts, landscapes and properties of historical, cultural,
archaeological, and architectural merit within Broward County, and the use of these resources for the
educational, economic, and cultural enrichment of the County, its residents, and visitors.
| Component | Support

| Housing Element The Broward County Housing Element addresses the County’s desire to provide an
adequate supply of housing opportunities countywide, to offer current and future residents with
innovative choices in housing type, affordability, and sustainable design standards for all income levels.
| Element | Support
| Intergovernmental Coordination Element The Intergovernmental Coordination Element is a guideline to be used in coordinating the adopted
comprehensive plan with the plans of the School Board, regional water supply authorities, and other
units of local government with the comprehensive plans of adjacent municipalities, the County, the
region, the State Comprehensive Plan, and with the applicable approved regional water supply plans.
| Element (revised 2020, amended 2022) | Support

| Natural Disaster Component Broward County’s goal is to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to life and property from hazardous
events. Broward County and its municipalities, in coordination with partner agencies, addresses a post-disaster recovery and redevelopment strategy to ease the rebuilding process and remove
potential obstacles that would support a sustainable community after a major disaster.
| Component | Support

| Property Rights The Property Rights Element states how private property rights considerations factor into
local government decision-making processes.
| Element (new 2022) | Support (new 2022)
| Public School Facilities Element This Element describes how Broward County is meeting the State statutory requirements while
ensuring proper coordination between the County, municipalities, and the Broward Public Schools
District to maintain adequate levels of service standards for public schools.
| Goals Objectives and Polices (revised 2020) | Support (updated 2023)

| Recreation and Open Space Element
| Element (amended 2022) | Support

| Solid Waste Element The purpose of the Solid Waste Element is to provide for the
necessary public solid waste facilities and services correlated to future land use projections.
| Revision ON HOLD, continue to use previous version Element | Support

| Transportation Element
| Element (amended 2022) | Support

| Water Management Element
| Element (revised 2021, amended 2022) | Support

| Water Supply Facilities Work Plan
| Work Plan (new)