The purpose of this Management Report is to provide quarterly information on the
performance of Broward County government. This document reports the quarterly
receipt and expenditure of county funds, as well as the projected and actual
performance of county agencies. All Broward County agencies that report to the
County Administrator are required to participate in the Performance Measurement
and Reporting System. The performance measurement data in this report is a
summary of the Administration’s operational performance for the most recent
quarter based on unaudited information reported by the offices, divisions, and
The Management Report is published in electronic format only, approximately 90
days following the end of each fiscal quarter.
The performance measures, data, and notes were reviewed and approved by
executive management from the County’s offices, divisions, and departments prior
to publication.
Requests for additional information related to this report, please contact the
Office of Management and Budget at (954) 357-6345.