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Public Art and Design
Public Art and Design Program
· The Broward County Public Art and Design (PAD) Ordinance (1-88) was established to create an
enhanced visual environment for the citizens of Broward County, to integrate the design work of artists
into the development of County capital improvement projects, and to promote tourism and economic
vitality of the County through the artistic design of public places. The ordinance instituted a requirement
for contributions for art funding based on a percentage of eligible cost components for eligible capital
improvement projects. The Public Art and Design Ordinance was amended January 25, 2011 requiring
functionally integrated public artwork and also providing the option for the Board of County
Commissioners to appropriate a public art amount different from the percentage prescribed in the
ordinance, on a project by project basis. The ordinance was further amended in November 2011 to
require the Board of County Commissioners' approval of artist design proposals when the total art
budget is $100,000 or more, or if the project recommended is a freestanding artwork.
· The allocations for public art provided in the ordinance are as follows: Two percent of the eligible
County Capital Projects to construct or renovate any park, road beautification, bridge or causeway,
sidewalk, bikeway, above grade utility, land acquisition for greenways, and to construct or renovate any
building except detention facilities; one percent for highway and arterial road projects, except projects in
the unincorporated areas. Eligible construction costs means the total capital project appropriation,
including engineering and design, less demolition costs, equipment costs, real property acquisition
costs and soil remediation costs. Repairs, maintenance and installation of mechanical equipment or
modifications required solely for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are not eligible for PAD
· The public art allocations fund integrated works of art that create a sense of place, that improve the
visual environment for the citizens of Broward County, and that advance the missions of the County
departments where the projects reside. Commissioned artworks are the result of interaction between
selected artists and interested constituent groups during the design stages of the projects.
· Per the ordinance, a portion of each public art allocation is budgeted to fund future program support
and conservation costs to maintain the art into the future.
· Public art allocations funded with unrestricted revenues are transferred to the Public Art Trust Fund;
bond, grant, enterprise and other restricted appropriations remain within their respective funds. Public
art allocations may be pooled for general capital projects. Allocations are pooled at the Airport and Port
for public art in highly visible locations. Public art allocations are pooled at Port and Airport for art
projects identified in the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Public Art Master Plan and the
Port Everglades Public Art Master Plan.
· FY24 Art Projects include: 1) Pooling for Tradewinds Park ($60,000), 2) Pooling for Broward City
Partnership Artwork ($100,000), 3) Pooling for Andrews Ave Bridge ($125,000), 4) Pooling for Arts
Purchase Program ($40,000), 5) Pooling for E. Clay Shaw Jr. Bridge ($387,000), 6) Artist in Residence
Program ($100,000), 7) Digital Arts Pilot Project ($100,000), 8) Pooling for 50th Anniversary Artwork
($120,000), 9) Resiliency Public Art Project ($50,000), 10) Destination Sistrunk Cultural Center Artwork
($75,000), 11) Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood-International Airport Terminal 1 Terrazzo Floor ($98,000),
12) Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Terminal 2 Water Feature ($350,000), 13) Fort
Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Terminal 3 Optical Artwork ($300,000).
· Conservation and Collection Management projects over $10,000 include: 1) Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood
International Airport, pooling for "Luminous Portals ($30,000), 2) Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood