contract revenues from the cities of Cooper City, Dania Beach, Deerfield Beach, Hallandale
Beach, Lauderdale Lakes, Pembroke Park, West Park, Weston, the Aviation Department, and
Port Everglades. Broward Municipal Services District area taxes and assessments fund
services in the remaining BMSD neighborhoods. The budget has an increase in personnel
services for FY24 for salary and other fringe benefit costs, the addition of 11 new positions for
Contract Cities and 3 new positions for BMSD.
• BSO—Law Enforcement Contract Services Fund (FY24 Budget - $294,373,310)
This fund reflects the resources associated with providing contractual law enforcement
services by the Broward Sheriff’s Office to numerous municipalities and County agencies. The
fund is primarily supported by contract revenues from the cities of Cooper City, Dania Beach,
Deerfield Beach, Lauderdale Lakes, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, North Lauderdale, Oakland Park,
Parkland, Pompano Beach, Tamarac, West Park, and Weston as well as the Aviation
Department and Port Everglades. The net increase in personnel services for FY24 is
$9,443,060 after a net increase of 3 positions due to contract negotiations. There are also
one-time increases in capital outlay for communications ($1,671,920), vehicles ($7,201,560),
equipment ($216,530), building improvements ($190,000), and lease purchase ($9,020).
Enterprise Operating Funds
The FY24 budget includes four major enterprises. All four of these operations are entirely self-
supported through their business activities and are briefly summarized below. Budgets shown
are for operations and transfers out to capital and other funds, where appropriate:
• Aviation (FY24 Budget - $642,675,220)
The Aviation Department’s Operating Budget increased by $43.3 million to $642.7 million
primarily due to an increase of reserves of $45.1 million associated with an increase in
operating revenues, $17.0 million increase in operating expenses mainly attributed to a $6.3
million in increases for insurance costs, a $2.3 million increase in BSO law enforcement
services and a $2.3 million increase in electric utility costs; an $8.7 million increase in
personnel services attributed in part to a $1.3 million increase in personnel services due to 12
positions being added. The transfer from aviation operations in FY24 is $136.8 million, which
is a decrease of $27.4 million over FY23.
• Water and Wastewater (FY24 Budget - $167,487,290)
The FY24 Operating Budget increases from the FY23 revised budget by $18.3 million to
$167.5 million primarily due to an increase in reserves $6.1 million from increased interest
earnings, a $3.2 million increase in operating expenses from higher utility and purchased
insurance costs, an increase in personnel services of $1.3 million from increased retirement
rates and the addition of 10 new positions, and an additional $890,000 in capital outlay costs
for replacement vehicles and equipment. The increase to retail rates for water and sewer
customers in FY24 is 4.98%, wholesale fees paid by other utilities increase 6.2% due to
higher debt service costs, and the rate paid by utilities receiving regional raw water services