Department: Port Everglades
Division: Port Everglades
Section: Administration
Rental revenue generated from leases
Average time to process a completed
franchise application (required for certain
services at the Port)
Percent of rental revenue goal reached
Percentage of developed leasable land
Percentage of leasable office space
Percent of leasable warehouse space
Twenty-foot equivalent units(a standard
measurement for container ships) handled
Customer satisfaction measured among
tenants and port users via customer service
This measure is reported annually in the fourth
To coordinate the various administrative and financial activities of the divisions within the Port Everglades Department to ensure compliance with County
policies and goals, to develop marketing and promotional strategies that create and promote commerce and industry and create employment within Broward
County, and to provide Port-wide general administrative support and services including agenda coordination and communication support, management of the
franchise and business permit program, property management, leasing, and human resources.
To provide Port-wide general administrative support and services including agenda coordination and communication support; to provide property
management, leasing, and administration of Port real estate, and management of the contract for parking facility operation; to promote the benefits of, and to
operate/expand, Foreign-Trade Zone No. 25; to provide regulation of certain business activities through management of the franchise and business permit
program; to administer various contracts; to provide liaison for risk management functions at the Port; to provide human resources support to all employees and
management of the seaport; and to provide guidance and support of purchasing activities for the Enterprise Fund.
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