Broward County Building Code Division holds building permitting jurisdiction for properties in Unincorporated Broward County. Please note that our agency may no longer have records for properties that are in annexed municipalities.
Please complete and return the following Records Request form to
Pursuant to §119.07(1)(a)(c) F.S, every effort will be made to retrieve records in a timely and reasonable manner, however, there may be a delay if the request is extensive.
Florida Building Code §106.9.2: Approved plans and/or specifications and/or amendments thereto, retained by the Building Official shall become part of Public Records. The Building Official shall notify anyone requesting copies of copyrighted Public Records that they may be violating the Federal Copyright Law.
This serves as your official notification that you may be in violation of the Federal Copyright Law.
Architectural and engineering plans under Seal pursuant to §481.221, §481.251, or §471.025 Florida Statute (F.S.), that are held by a public agency in connection with the transaction of official business are subject to inspection and copying under §199.07(1) F.S.
Pursuant to §119.07(4)(d) F.S., the agency may charge a special service charge in addition to the cost of duplication if a request requires extensive use of clerical, supervisory, and/or information technology resources.
Pursuant to §119.07(b)(3), exemptions are not disclosed except as authorized by law.
Please Note: Architectural/Building plans for residential buildings and single-family residences are retained for 10 anniversary years after issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. §119.021(3) (2b) F. S.