​​Broward County Zoning administers the Zoning Code, Chapter 39, of the Broward County Code of Ordinances, as it applies only to the Broward Municipal Services District (BMSD), which is the unincorporated areas of Broward County.​

If your property or business is in a local municipality of Broward County you would need to contact that municipality for their specific Zoning regulations. Click here​ to locate your Zoning Administrator.​​​

​BMSD Zoning is located at:

4101 Ravenswood Road, Suite 102A​

Dania ​Beach, FL 33312

Hours of Operation: Monday​​- Friday, 7:30AM-3:30PM (closed on county observed holidays)


Within the BMSD, Zoning permits and inspections are required for:

  • All new construction

  • Additions

  • Sheds

  • Fences

  • Driveways

  • Signage

  • Temporary signage

  • All other construction activities


All new tenants or change of occupancy in a commercial, retail, office, or industrial property within the BMSD must first obtain a Certificate to certify the property complies with the Florida Building CodeBroward County Zoning Code, and the Fire Marshall’s office.

For more information on Certificates please see Certificate FAQs.

Rental Registration Certificates​ are obtained from the BMSD Code Compliance.​


We only provide zoning services for properties in the BMSD (unincorporated area). If your property is within a city or town, you will need to work with the municipal zoning department. Please enter the property address here to find contact information for your Zoning Administrator.

Meeting request dates for BMSD property owners/developers are Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM, except County holidays. To request a meeting, please email Zoning@Broward.org, including the property address or folio and a preferred callback number and time.​


Various historical zoning documents are available for perusal and download.  Historic zoning ordinances from 1952 to 1990, maps of given areas between 1960 and 2012, and aerial photography for 1933, 1947, 1955, and 1963 to 2000.  Visit Historic Zoning Ordinances and Maps​ for available materials.