Once you have created a User Account, you may submit Job Interest Cards. Job Interest Cards notify you via email whenever positions matching your subscriptions become available. There are two types of job interest cards:
- Job Specific Interest Cards notify you whenever a job with a certain title is posted on either the Full Time Job Opportunities or Part Time Job Opportunities pages.
- Job Category Interest Cards notify you whenever a job in a certain category is posted on one of the job opportunity pages. You may subscribe to job interest cards using the following steps:
- Navigate to Broward.org/Careers.
- Select either Full Time Job Opportunities or Part Time Job Opportunities.
- Select the Menu icon in the top left corner of the screen.
- Select either Job Specific Interest Cards or Job Category Interest Cards.
- Select the Subscribe icon.
- Fill out the contact information form to receive notifications.
- Select Submit.
Job Interest Card subscriptions expire after 12 months and you will need to re-subscribe if you wish to continue receiving those specific email notifications.
Jobs located on the Promotional Job Opportunities page do not generate Job Interest Card notifications. Therefore, current Broward County Board of County Commissioners employees who are interested in Promotional Job Opportunities are encouraged to check the Promotional Job Opportunities page regularly.