​​History of the Broward County Charter

​​​​​​​​​​On November 5, 1974, the voters of Broward County approved the Broward County Charter. Charter Government went into effect in Broward County on January 1, 1975.

The Charter brought home r​ule to Broward County, which had become a County by an act of the Sta​te Legislature in 1915. For the next 60 years, the County Commission had to look to the State Legislature for approval of local bills effecting change in County government.

On October 2, 1973, the County Commission voted unanimously to ask the Legislative Delegation to establish a Charter Commission, pursuant to Florida Statutes, to conduct a comprehensive study of County government. A 15-member Charter Commission worked for nine months, producing the Charter document which was approved by referendum on November 5, 1974 by a vote of 77,889 to 59,898.

In addition to bringing home rule to Broward County, the Charter expanded the County Commission from five to seven members, created a strong administrator form of County government, and established a Countywide land use planning agency. Later Charter amendments expanded the County Commission to the current nine members.

Broward County Charter (PDF)​​​