Seeking to build collaborative relationships with all stakeholders, Broward County not only works to advance regional climate resilience through the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact (“Compact"), but also within the county, with tribal and municipal governments, the business community, the media, and others.
Since 2018, Broward County has convened an annual Broward Leaders Roundtable on Climate and Resilience (“Resilience Roundtable" or “Roundtable") to foster collective sharing and advancement of communications, planning, and investments vital to the resilience of our communities.
At the 2019 Roundtable, the assembled leaders agreed on the idea of a voluntary annual survey of municipalities and tribes, to help track the progress being made by these governments and serve as a basis for knowledge exchange (see 2020 Broward Resilience Survey below).
At the 2020 Roundtable, leaders set goals for establishing the County
Resilience Dashboard, refining the Compact Climate Assessment Tool and Annual Snapshot, coordinating solar information for residents, developing a communications plan, identifying business opportunity derived from resiliency efforts and investment needs and planning to better integrate work of various groups taking climate action.
2020 Broward Resilience Survey
Summary Reports
2018 Report
2019 Report
2020 Report
Other Helpful Links
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