Action Plans & Technical Documents


2020 Broward County Climate Change Action Plan 
This edition of CCAP consists of over 12​0 strategic actions for addressing the economic, environmental, and social impacts of climate change. The plan is intended to be implemented by local government, community partners and residents alike. View the 2015 Broward County Climate Change Action Plan​
​ here.
The Business Case for Resilience in Southeast Florida
by the Urban Land Institute, 2021. The regional economic analysis identifies opportunities associated with resilient investment in the face of climate risks to the region due to more frequent flooding and sea-level rise.
View RCAP 1 here >​
View RCAP 2 here > ​
The Business Case for Resilience in Southeast Florida 
by the Urban Land Institute, 2021. The regional economic analysis identifies opportunities associated with resilient investment in the face of climate risks to the region due to more frequent flooding and sea-level rise.


 Unified Sea Level Rise Projection Southeast Florida to ensure consistency in adaptation planning and policy, and infrastructure siting and design within the Southeast Florida four-county 'Compact' region.
A current Unified Sea Level Rise Projection Southeast Florida ​Summary chart.

Priority Climate Action PlanThe priority greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction measures contained within this PCAP should be construed as broadly available to any entity within this geographic extent eligible for receiving funding under the EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program.​

​​​​​ Broward County Municipal Climate Action Plans​

There is no single solution to the climate crisis. Broward County has taken a shared approach for a changing climate, which involves much collaboration with our municipal partners. In the webmap below, municipalities have uploaded the plans detailing the strategy their community is taking to address climate change, and their resilience needs.

To explore the municipal climate action plans, sustainability plans, and more please click the image below.
