2022 Climate Summit




8:30am - 8:50am Day 1 Introduction
  • ​Lamar Fisher, ​Mayor, Broward County
  • Beam Furr, County Commissioner, Broward County​
8:50am - 9:15am Opening Keynote
  • ​ ​Alice Hill, David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment, Council on Foreign Relations
9:15am - 9:30am Compact Year in Review
  • James Murley, Chief Resilience Officer, Miami-Dade County
County Administrators are chiefly responsible to the commissions and residents of their respective counties, but as the Compact has demonstrated for well over a decade, cooperation across jurisdictional lines can produce benefits far beyond what a single county could generate on its own. County administrators will share their experience in working to balance ongoing challenges of competing issues and limited resources, while at the same time building resilience, positioning to meet evolving challenges, and finding ways to cooperate with neighbors.

  • Holly Raschein, County Commissioner, Monroe County (moderator)
  • Monica Cepero, County Administrator, Broward County
  • Verdenia Baker, County Administrator, Palm Beach County
  • Jimmy Morales, Chief of Operations, Miami-Dade County
  • Roman Gastesi, County Administrator, Monroe County
10:20am - 10:40am Day 1 Morning Break

10:40am - 11:30am Connectors in Chief: Resilience Officers Look Ahead​
Chief Resilience Officers play a unique role furthering the resilience efforts within their respective counties and as liaisons for the Compact. Progress is achieved through coordination, connecting internal and external actors to drive forward resilient thinking and action. Panelists will discuss resilience highlights, key initiatives, and pending challenges. What tools and resources do resilience efforts require now and in the future?


  • Wes Brooks, Chief Resilience Officer, State of Florida (moderator)
  • Megan Houston, Director, Office of Resilience, Palm Beach County
  • Jennifer Jurado, Chief Resilience Officer, Broward County
  • James Murley, Chief Resilience Officer, Miami-Dade County
  • Rhonda Haag, Chief Resilience Officer, Monroe County

11:30am - 12:20pm 
​​Continued economic vitality in southeast Florida depends on functional, resilient systems, such as flood control and transportation. To keep the region humming, the business community must share in the planning and investment decisions—
and must help marshal political support and funding solutions.
Panelists will reflect on the themes of economic resilience, strategies, and the role of the private sector. Is the private sector able and willing?

  • Irela Bague, Chief Bay Officer, Miami-Dade County (moderator)
  • Dan Lindblade, President and CEO, Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce
  • Matt Haggman, Executive Vice President, Opportunity Miami
  • Don Burgess, Executive Director, Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce
12:20pm - 1:30pm Day 1 Lunch​


1:00pm - 1:30pm Alice Hill Book Signing
Corner window between East and South Prefunction Areas

Thursday keynote speaker Alice Hill, former Obama Administration climate resilience official and current David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the Council on Foreign Relations, will sign copies of her latest book, The Fight for Climate after COVID-19.

Changing climate conditions exert influences beyond extreme weather events. Insurance rates, government borrowing, mortgages, business activity, and supply chains can all be impacted. In the face of these potential impacts, what is the broader socioeconomic landscape, how is the financial sector responding, and what does this mean for local governments? Are stakeholders equipped to handle these changes, and what can we expect over the next decade?​

  • Daniel Stander, Special Advisor, United Nations (moderator)
  • George Tablack, Chief Financial Officer, Broward County
  • Nora Wittstruck, Senior Director – ESG Sector Leader, U.S. Public Finance, S&P Global Ratings
  • Stacy Swann, CEO & Board Director, Climate Finance Advisors
  • Paula Pagniez, Americas Practice Lead, Senior Director, Climate and Resilience Hub, WTW 
2:20pm - 3:10pm
True community resilience relies on a holistic treatment of pressures that are apt to affect social and economic ties as well as physical infrastructure. What is the state of the science? What do we know about climate pressures, recent impacts (most notably Hurricane Ian), trends, and the changes that will manifest? How can government, private enterprise, and the nonprofit sector work together to ensure whole-community responses, including changes to the built environment, as well as social and economic investment that lifts all boats?

  • Sara Gonzalez-Rothi, Whitehouse Council on Environmental Quality (moderator)
  • Mark Osler, Senior Advisor for Coastal Inundation and Resilience, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Rhonda Haag, Chief Resilience Officer, Monroe ​County
  • Christine Hurley, Executive Director, Monroe County Land Authority
  • Richard Flood, Deputy Director, Mitigation Division, Region 4, Federal Emergency Management Agency 
3:10pm - 3:30pm Day 1 Afternoon Break

The same climate impacts facing southeast Florida are affecting locations around the globe, and different societies are developing different approaches to these challenges. What can we learn from communities in other countries? Representatives from Brazil,
Canada, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom will share ideas and projects taking shape in their cities.

  • ​​Laurian Farrell, Regional Director, North America, Resilient Cities (moderator)​
  • Alex Codd, Assistant Director, Economic Development & Regeneration, Hull City Council, Hull, United Kingdom
  • Ryoko Shinohara, Counselor, Economic Section, Embassy of Japan in the United States of America​
  • Ivan Paiva, Undersecretary of Sustainability and Resilience, Municipality of Salvador, Brazil
  • Arnoud Molenaar, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Malu de Aguiar Gouvea Aragao, International Analyst, Municipality of Salvador, Brazil​ ​​

The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact was one of the first collaboratives created to tackle climate challenges on a regional scale, but hardly the last. Similar efforts, each with their own unique characteristics, are underway across Florida and the United States. Panelists will explore their common challenges as
well as unique regional solutions.

  • Janet Bowman, Senior Policy Advisor, The Nature Conservancy (moderator)
  • Darbi Berry, Program Manager, San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative
  • Lauren Evans, Consultant, Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact
  • Jenifer Rupert, Regional Resilience Officer, East Central Florida Planning Council
  • Cara Serra, Principal Planner, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council

5:15pm - 6:45pm Happy Hour Reception






8:30am - 8:45am Day 2 Introduction​
  • Dean Trantalis, Mayor, City of Fort Lauderdale​
  • Ethan Bober,​ Youth Voice
8:45am - 9:05am Day 2 Keynote​
  • Introduction: Tim Ryan, County Commissioner, Broward County
  • Rafe Pomerance, Distinguished Senior Arctic Policy Fellow, Woodwell Climate Research Center, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Environment and Development 
9:05am - 9:10am Compact Recognition​

Polls suggest that large majorities of Americans favor serious, sustained action to combat the climate crisis, but efforts to deliver the needed changes often fall victim to the same polarization affecting many other issues of state and national importance. Are governments—and the people they serve—stuck in this pattern, even as climate impacts and disasters grow ever more severe? Or do recent legislative successes, like the statewide Resilient Florida program and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, portend more cooperation across party lines in the future? A distinguished panel of state and federal legislators will assess the prospects for
legislative action on climate and look for common ground.

  • Introduction: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Congresswoman, US House of Representatives

  • Marty Cassini, Intergovernmental Affairs/Boards Section Manager, Broward County (moderator)
  • Robin Bartleman, State Representative, Florida House of Representatives
  • Carlos Curbelo, Principal, Vocero, and Former Congressman
10:00am - 10:50am
Water flows around, over, and under jurisdictional lines with ease. Yet efforts to manage flooding and water resources can be beset by difficulties arising from the diffusion of responsibilities among multiple agencies. How do local, regional, state, and federal governments overcome these challenges and keep southeast Florida safe from extreme flooding and rising seas? And can that cooperation be further strengthened and streamlined? Panelists will explore regional needs, neighboring efforts, and the partnerships represented in both.

  • Frank Bernardino, Principal, Anfield Consulting (moderator)
  • Col. James L. Booth, District Commander, Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Drew Bartlett, Executive Director, South Florida Water Management District
  • Dale Morris, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Charleston​

10:50am - 11:10am Day 2 Morning Break

There’s no silver bullet, nor one-size-fits-all solution, to adapt communities to rising seas, flood waters, or other climate impacts. Projects will need to take place at the most granular, property-byproperty level, all the way up to regional-scale infrastructure. And, ideally, each level will integrate well with other levels. Are these
expectations realistic? Where are the institutional challenges, how are these being addressed, and how have some recent projects incorporated features that support larger- or smaller-scale efforts?

  • John Renne, Director, Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions, Florida Atlantic University (moderator)
  • Donald Scott, President, Structural Engineering Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Gerry O’Reilly, District 4 Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation
  • Christian Kamrath, Resilience Coordinator, Miami-Dade County
  • Andy Sternad, Architect and Urban Designer, Waggonner & Ball

12:00pm - 1:15pm Day 2 Lunch

1:15pm - 2:05pm Reaching Net Zero: Commitment Is Easy, What About Action?
Setting a goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 is a bold gesture, but actually cutting emissions by slashing electricity and fuel use across an entire city, county, or state represents a far greater challenge. How are local governments
across the US responding? Can cities and counties make the progress needed to reach a net-zero goal? Where are the opportunities and what are the models?

  • Angie Fyfe, Executive Director, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA (moderator)
  • Jonathan Daniels, Director, Port Everglades
  • Ebun Ayandele, Senior Associate, Climate Intelligence, Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Kat Eshel, Deputy Director of Climate and Environmental Planning, City of Boston
  • Beth Osborne, Director of Transportation, Transportation for America

Southeast Florida is an epicenter of the nation’s affordable housing crisis, with homes priced out of reach of most residents and rents rising far faster than inflation, in a market already chronically short of housing units. Compounding climate impacts—everything from chronic flooding and extreme weather to unaffordable insurance
and climate gentrification—are putting even more pressure on housing in southeast Florida. How can southeast Florida balance new construction in a land-limited area, while improving the energy efficiency, resilience, and livability of both new and existing housing stock? And how will all this be funded or afforded? Local leaders
and housing experts will weigh in.

  • Colin Polsky, Director, Center for Enviro​nmental Studies, Florida Atlantic University (moderator)
  • Nan H. Rich, County Commissioner, Broward County
  • Germaine Smith-Baugh, President and CEO, Urban League of Broward County
  • Ned Murray, Associate Director, Metropolitan Center, Florida International University
  • Duanne Andrade, Chief Financial and Strategic Officer, Solar Energy Loan Fund

An oft-quoted proverb says “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Southeast Florida—and the rest of the planet—needs to go far, quickly, to tackle the climate crisis. Although the four Compact Counties have played a key role in advancing climate action and resilience in southeast Florida, progress depends on cooperation across borders, levels of government, and sectors—and on ensuring all residents benefit from adaptation measures and the economic opportunities of clean
energy and resilient technologies. County officials reflect on progress, the conversation, and next steps.

  • James Donnelly, Founder and CEO, Castle Group (moderator)
  • Gregg Weiss, Vice Mayor, Palm Beach County
  • Daniella Levine Cava, Mayor, Miami-Dade County
  • Craig Cates, Mayor Pro Tem, Monroe County
  • Beam Furr, County Commissioner, Broward County
3:45pm - 3:55pm RCAP Signing and Summit Close​

4:00pm - 4:15pm Press Conference with Compact County Elected Officials