8th Edition
| 8th Edition (2023) Florida Building Code, Chapter 1 (Municode) Effective December 31, 2023
| FBC (2023) Building Technical Amendments, 8th Edition
FBC (2023) Mechanical Technical Amendments, 8th Edition
FBC (2023) Plumbing Technical Amendments, 8th Edition
FBC (2023) Residential Technical Amendments, 8th Edition
7th Edition
| 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Chapter 1 (Municode) Effective December 31, 2020
| FBC (2020) Building Technical Amendments
FBC (2020) Mechanical Technical Amendments
FBC (2020) Plumbing Technical Amendments
FBC (2020) Residential Technical Amendments
6th Edition
| 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, Chapter 1 Effective January 1, 2018 Amendments Effective through March 19, 2020
| FBC (2017) Building Technical Amendments
FBC (2017) Mechanical Technical Amendments
FBC (2017) Plumbing Technical Amendments
FBC (2017) Residential Technical Amendments
5th Edition
| 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code, Chapter 1 Effective June 30, 2015 Amendments Effective through September 16, 2017
| FBC (2014) Building Technical Amendments
FBC (2014) Mechanical Technical Amendments
FBC (2014) Plumbing Technical Amendments
FBC (2014) Residential Technical Amendments
2010 Supplements
| Supplement I (Effective March 15, 2012)
Broward County, Administrative Chapter 1
Supplement II (Effective October 20, 2014)
Broward County, Chapter 1, Section 104 Amendments Effective through January 20, 2015
| Supplement I (Effective March 15, 2012)
FBC (2010) Mechanical, Chapter 3, Section 307.2.1 General Regulations
FBC (2010) Mechanical, Chapter 9, Section 908.5 Water Supply
FBC (2010) Plumbing, Chapter 3, Section 314.2.1 General Regulations
FBC (2010) Plumbing, Appendix F
FBC (2010) Residential, Chapter 29 Water Supply and Distribution
Supplement II (Effective October 20, 2014)
FBC (2010) Building, Section 424.2.16.1
FBC (2010) Residential, Section R4101.16.1
FBC (2010) Administrative Chapter 1, Section 110.15
While amendments to the Florida Building Code are generally initiated by members of the Board of Rules and Appeals, by building code enforcement professionals or by the construction industry, anyone may propose a code change. The procedure for such a proposal requires the selection of the specific section in the Florida Building Code which is deemed to need revision. Complete the Proposed Modification to the Florida Building Code form, state the desired change, the reason for it, and any economic impact it might have on the public. Submit the form via email to Jonda Joseph.
The proposal is then evaluated by the appropriate Board committee(s), and then passed on to the full Board with committee recommendations. It is important to remember, however, that Florida law allows the Board of Rules and Appeals to make changes in the Florida Building Code which result in equal or greater public safety. The Board of Rules and Appeals does not have the legal authority to make the Florida Building Code less restrictive.
- The completion of this document is essential in the technical amendment process as required to comply with Florida Statute 553.73.
- If you have any questions please contact the Board of Rules and Appeals by phone at 954-765-4500.