The past month has seen a concerning spike in COVID-19 cases in the state of Florida and Broward County. Unfortunately, this virus continues to be dangerous and prevalent. That means we need to continue taking every precaution to stay safe and protect our fellow residents by wearing masks and social distancing. Broward County is working in partnership with your city to make sure that all business regulations are enforced and that emergency orders are being followed to ensure public safety. Many residents are most comfortable staying home - this newsletter is dedicated to showcasing the variety of opportunities for both entertainment and assistance in Broward County that are available from the safety of your home. We will get through this, and come out stronger on the other side. We must continue to stay patient and work together. Read on below for more information, or click a link to jump directly to a section!
COVID-19 Statistics
Broward County has launched a new dashboard to give
residents important county-specific data during the
COVID-19 pandemic. We launched this dashboard
because data transparency is important for all of
us. Broward County government needs data
transparency to make policy decisions in order to
keep our residents safe as we reopen our economy.
You need data transparency to understand the
reasoning that went into those policies. You also
need to understand the current situation in your
community to make responsible decisions in your
day-to-day life during a pandemic.
The dashboard is updated daily and includes
information on hospitalizations and other metrics
that will help us make determinations on just how
significant the spread is. Any decisions made cannot
come at the cost of people’s lives. That is why this
data is so essential. You can check out those
updates by
clicking here.
A look at the statistics collected on Broward County’s new

Business Violation Dashboard
Accountability is going to be a key to us getting past the
COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses are required to play
by the rules set out in our Emergency Orders to keep
our residents safe. We cannot let a few businesses
that do not enforce social distancing and mask
regulations spoil it for the many great Broward
businesses who are doing things exactly right.
That is why Broward County has launched a new
dashboard to allow residents to track COVID-19
violations and complaints. We believe this dashboard
will increase accountability, encourage compliance
with the rules and assist consumers when deciding
which places are safe to visit. You can take a look
clicking here.

As you can see, there is a significant number of violations –
so please be vigilant.

Emergency Orders
Broward County continues to release
Emergency Orders regularly that help govern businesses, regulations, and more during the COVID-19 crisis. These Emergency Orders are essential to ensuring the maximum health and safety of our residents.
The newly issued
Emergency Order 20-22 has imposed a curfew every night from 11pm to 5am until at least August 1st. It also prohibits private or public gatherings of more than ten people and creates additional penalties for violations.
These Emergency Orders have all been developed through collaboration and conversation with all 31 municipalities and other agencies. Recent Emergency Orders govern vacation rentals, business violations, and more.
You can always view an up-to-date list of all County Emergency Orders
The latest Emergency Order is a step towards keeping residents safe.

Blood Donations
Help needed! If you are a resident who has recovered from COVID-19, you can help by donating blood and contributing life-saving plasma to patients in need. People who have recovered from the virus have antibodies that can be used to save patients that are fighting the coronavirus. Collections are being made through OneBlood – you can
click here to learn more.

Perhaps the most important way we can stem the spread of coronavirus is by making sure all of our residents are getting tested and quarantining properly.
We encourage residents who are regularly leaving their home for work or other interactions to get tested at one of the collection sites
listed here. This includes a newly opened site in District Six at McArthur High School. Many residents are reporting wait times for appointments or test results – we encourage you to be patient and take the time to get tested anyway. If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, make sure to avoid others and quarantine at home!
The most up-to-date map of COVID-19 testing sites in Broward County.

School Reopening
The safety of our students and our teachers is paramout as we move towards a new school year. I know many parents are wondering and worried about the start of school and what that means for their children.
The Broward School Board has announced that the 2020-2021 school year will begin as online-only learning for health and safety reasons. I know that this will be challenging for many students and many families – but it is a necessary step to keep our community safe. We look forward to seeing our students back in school as soon as it is possible.
For parents looking for childcare options, you can
click here to learn more. You can find more information and keep up to date on plans for reopening schools by
clicking here.
Whether online or in-person, the first day of school is still coming very soon!

Summer at the Library
With so many changes in how our children are learning, Broward County Library is happy to provide an interactive and interesting
Online Summer Learning Program!
Summer at the Library has been a tradition at Broward County branches for many years – and while we cannot congregate in person this year, we are proud to offer a great collection of lessons and interactive fun for students! It is a great time to sign-up and get your child involved.
While you are at it, students are also encouraged to sign-up for the innovative
Summer Magazine from Broward County, which is filled with fun games and great learning.
Sign-up for the magazine today!

Recycling and Waste Collection
Broward County and the municipalities are still collaborating to ensure continuity of operations in your solid waste and recycling pick-ups and disposal. Some cities have made alterations to their pick-up schedule, so make sure to check your local city website for more information on operations. We will be having another meeting of the Solid Waste Working Group (via Zoom) on July 30th to discuss moving forward on a comprehensive countywide solid waste system. To find out more information about recycling in your area,
click here.

These are the new standards for recycling in the time of COVID-19!

Florida Power and Light
Florida Power and Light (FPL) has committed to providing financial assistance to residents who cannot make their payments due to COVID-19. This will help those experiencing economic difficult avoid a service shutoff.
FPL is offering payment extensions and waiving late fees for more customers than before, with an expanded eligibility criteria. There is also expanded eligibility for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Call 800-226-3545 for more information today!

Hazardous Waste
Broward County’s Household Hazardous Waste Program has restarted as of Saturday, July 20th! This does NOT include the drop-off of bulk trash. If you have hazardous waste you want to drop off, I recommend taking advantage of this service that Broward County offers. You can find information on the drop-off sites and current hours of operation by
clicking here. Residents must practice social distancing and wear masks at all drop-off sites!

An example of some of the items that are usually thrown away as hazardous waste.

Many residents have asked about the continued operation of buses during the COVID-19 crisis.
Broward County Transit is still operating for residents who use public transportation! Buses have been reconfigured to account for capacity limits and social distancing – so when you board the bus, expect to see it look a little different! Passengers are also required to wear masks for the entirety of the ride. Broward County has distributed close to 5,000 masks for riders who may not have easy access.
The next mask give-away is scheduled for Tuesday, July 28 at the Northeast Transit Center (8 AM – 10 PM). There is also modified or suspended service on several routes to account for COVID-19. For a complete list of transit changes,
click here.
Our buses have a new look and are safe!

Library Resources
Broward County Library is the 2020 winner for Florida Library of the Year for a good reason! Our library staff continues to provide Sunsational Service to all of our residents, despite library buildings being closed to the public. In addition to our bevy of
Online Resources, our libraries have plenty of unique online events and learning opportunities for people of all ages.
These online events include events for Kids, such as Storytime Animation and Bookopoly; events for Teens like Readying for College and Anime Club; and events for Adults including Book Clubs and lifelong learning opportunities in business and commerce. You can take advantage of all of these from the comfort of your own home by
clicking here!
Today is a perfect day to log on and check out some of the Library’s fantastic online events!

Business Resources and Webinars
Many businesses continue to struggle due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic – and the Broward Office of Economic and Small Business Development is here to help!
The Broward OESBD website has helpful links and information on how to best take advantage of resources available to your business during the time of COVID-19. They also have frequent
webinars that are helpful and informative that are worth checking out. Broward County is making sure we have the best response possible to our small businesses during these difficult times – you can check out our helpful
FAQ page for more answers. In addition, Hispanic Unity will be hosting “Entrepreneur Summits” every Wednesday in the month of August to help residents foster and improve their business skills – you can
click here to sign up. I also encourage checking out
Biz Help Broward for additional resoures.
Connect with Broward OESBD by calling 954-357-6400.

Employment Resources
Too many Broward residents continue to grapple with unemployment or underemployment as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. There are resources and opportunities available to those who are looking for work.
CareerSource Broward is a great hub for information for residents in Broward County who are looking to find a job. You can also apply directly through the state of Florida’s online portal at
EmployFlorida. The image below is just a short list of the many employers who are currently looking to hire. We are also examining how we can tie public works projects led by Broward County to employment opportunities for our residents, so stay tuned for updates.
There are many employers looking to fill roles – the list above is just a sample!

Food Resources
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many residents facing a concering food shortage. Broward County. has launched a platform called
Together4Broward that directs residents to food distribution sites in your area. Together4Broward is a dedicated platform so that residents in need can search for a food distribution site and easily find hours and locations near their home. We hope that this platform will go a long way in assisting residents and helping them find the food resources that we all need to thrive.
These are the food distribution sites located within District Six.

Surtax Projects
Broward County has approved the first cycle of municipal projects under our transportation surtax plan, and now local vendors have an opportunity to bid to complete these projects. This cycle saw 190 projects approved with a total value of $125 million. That means we have significant need for architects, engineers, and more. The surtax plan was designed to benefit local vendors and stimulate our Broward economy. These projects are going to be a boon to our small businesses and employ many Broward residents. It is an example of how large-scale public works projects can help our economy recover from COVID-19. To learn more about how your small business can apply,
click here. There will be a webinar on August 6th at 2pm to learn more – you can
click here to register.

Contact Us
Our District office is conveniently located in the lobby of the Hollywood Branch of the Broward County Public Library at 2600 Hollywood Blvd., next to Hollywood City Hall. This office is open for your convenience Monday through Friday from 10AM to 4PM. If you would like to schedule an appointment, or you have a great idea, suggestion or an issue that needs my attention, feel free to call me at 954-357-7790 / 7006 or send me an email at