Spring 2016
Story 1 County Commission Makes Mickel Park Renovations a Reality
On March 8th, Broward County Commissioners approved $356,752 in funds to help with Mickel Park renovations in Wilton Manors. The improvements will include a new playground with a “splash pad,” new lights, and better access for park visitors with disabilities. Also, an eco-friendly electric vehicle charging station is planned for this second phase of park improvements.
The first phase of the project was completed last year with $1.4 million dollars of financial help from Broward County’s partner, the city of Wilton Manors. Mickel Park has made a number of improvements with the funding, including an entertainment pavilion, new fencing, walking path with exercise stations, a police substation, new restrooms, benches, security systems and new irrigation technology. As part of a conservation effort, more than one hundred trees were also planted.
I will be attending the Westside Association of Wilton Manors meeting on Thursday, April 7 at the Hagen Park Community Center. The meeting will include a presentation by the Wilton Manors Leisure Services Department about the county funded portion of the park renovations.
Broward Library Patrons Can Learn a Foreign Language For Free Online
Whether you are looking to learn a new language, further ESL learning as a non-native speaker, or brushing up on basics for business or vacation travel, you can enhance your language learning with Broward County sponsored Rosetta Stone Library Solutions.
This resource includes 30 languages to meet a range of cultural interests from around the world. Learning is structured around core lessons to build reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The program includes focused activities to refine grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and more. Broward County Library members can also take advantage of on-the-go mobile apps that empower learners to reinforce their language learning from anywhere in the world.
The program is FREE to all Broward County Library Card Holders. Visit Broward.org/Library to learn more about accessing Rosetta Stone Library Solution at the library, from home, or on the go.
County Advisory Board and Committee Opportunities
Broward County Advisory Boards and Committees give residents an opportunity to participate in County government by providing their input, expertise, experience, and guidance on a variety of issues affecting our community. We are always seeking volunteers who are interested in public service. Review our current Board and Committee vacancies today.
If you would be interested in making a difference and would like to be considered for a board appointment, please submit the following to my County Commission Aide, Pratima Raju at praju@broward.org: detailed resume, permanent address, phone number, email address and the board or committee you would like to serve. Residents who serve provide their board and the County with valuable insights, and their contributions to the community are greatly appreciated.
Supplying Broward County’s Water for the Future
Included in the state budget just signed by Florida’s governor is $2 million for the C-51 Reservoir, which could help meet South Florida’s future water needs for the next 50 years, as well as help our environment. Located west of Wellington in Palm Beach County, the first phase of the C-51 Reservoir could supply up to 35 million gallons of water per day for local utilities. This is important because the water supply from Florida’s underground aquifers is strained with our growing population – so much so that the South Florida Water Management District has placed limits on how much water utilities can draw from them.
By storing water during the rainy seasons – instead of discharging it out to the sea – the C-51 would ensure water is available during the dry seasons. In addition, by cutting back on discharges of fresh water into the brackish Lake Worth Lagoon Estuary, the C-51 Reservoir would also improve the water quality of the estuary. The reservoir would also help with flood control and Everglades restoration efforts.
The C-51 Reservoir was one of the key budget priorities for Broward County during the 2016 Legislative Session, and it is great news that the Florida Legislature approved funding for this project. I will continue to be a strong advocate for this project so that someday Broward County residents and all of South Florida may benefit from it.
Dania Beach PATCH Offers Locally Grown Produce at a Great Price
On February 16, Broward County Commissioners recognized the Dania Beach PATCH through “Broward Good News” for work the organization does to eliminate blight and improve residents’ quality of life by providing sustainable agriculture. PATCH (Providing Access to Community Horticulture) volunteers transformed 1.6 acres of vacant land in the Sun Garden Isles neighborhood into a lush organically grown community produce garden and market. The PATCH community garden not only yields high-quality produce for residents, but provides opportunities to cultivate friendships, strengthen the neighborhood, improve nutrition, and enjoy recreational activities.
The Dania Beach PATCH is open to sell fresh produce every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is located at 1201 West Dania Beach Blvd.
Top Row (left to right): Broward County Commissioners Chip LaMarca, Lois Wexler, Dale V.C. Holness, Barbara Sharief, Marty Kiar, Stacy Ritter and Beam Furr. Bottom Row (left to right): Robert Gardella, PATCH Farm Manager; Michael De Lucca, President/CEO Broward Regional Health Planning Council (BRHPC); Jaime Castoro, PATCH CAN Coordinator; Leon Carroll, PATCH Advisory Board Member; Bobbie Grace, Commissioner City of Dania Beach; Barbara Effman, BRHPC Board Chair; Tim Ryan, County Commissioner; Rachel Bach, Executive Director of Dania Beach CRA; Isaac Gathers, PATCH Advisory Board Member.
NEW Portable Spay and Neuter Clinic
The Animal Care and Adoption Division has opened a Portable Spay and Neuter Unit at Reverend Samuel Delevoe Memorial Park, in partnership with the Broward County Humane Society. The state-of-the-art Portable SPAY/NEUTER Unit makes sterilization services more convenient and affordable and helps our effort to reduce the number of dog and cat births and euthanasia through proactive sterilization.* The special unit will remain at Delevoe Park for about six months then move to another location in Broward County where the need for spay/neuter services is in demand. To schedule an appointment please visit Animal Care or call 954-463-SPAY.
*Through the SNIP Program, Broward County Residents may have any dog 40 pounds or more and any cat sterilized free of charge with a voucher from Broward County Animal Care.
Contact Us:
Broward County Governmental Center
115 S. Andrews Ave., Room 413
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: 954-357-7007 | Fax: 954-357-5707
Tim Ryan
Chief of Staff:
Kristin Carter
Commission Aide:
Pratima Raju
Community Liaison:
John Bertino
Broward County Commission Meetings
The Broward County Commission meets generally on Tuesdays at 10:00 am in Room 422 of the Broward County Governmental Center, 115 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale. Commission Meeting Schedule and Agenda are listed here. Residents can view live coverage of the Commission meetings on Comcast Cable channels 12 and 77; Advanced Communications channels 64 and 25; AT&T U-verse channel 99, and through the County's website at broward.org/video/ The County Commission meetings are rebroadcast at 5:30 p.m. each Friday following a Tuesday Commission meeting.
Phone: 954-357-7007 • Fax: 954-357-5707 •
115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 413, Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
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