Before You Renew
Must use the Google Chrome Browser
Must have an Access Broward Account. If you do not have an account, you must create one
Business Profiles can only be accessed within 60 days of your certification Anniversary Date
Steps to Renew
Step 1: If you created an Access Broward account, click the link in your confirmation email to activate your account. Check the Spam/Junk folder if you did not receive one.
Step 2: Contact OESBD's Small Business Section by
email or phone at 954-357-6400 to link your Access Broward account to your Business Profile. Someone will respond within 48hrs to link accounts.
Step 3: Once accounts are linked,
click here to sign in (top right-hand corner) using your Access Broward account credentials.
Step 4: Select Renew Application.
Step 5: Review for accuracy and make any updates needed, then select the check box at the bottom of the page, by hovering over it, to confirm the information is correct.
Step 6: Select Next and then upload all supporting documents, including your completed
Personal Networth Worksheet.
Supporting Documents
- A copy of the first page of the current year’s business tax return (Form 1120, 1120S, 1065, or a Schedule C)
- A completed Personal Net Worth (PNW) Worksheet
- Current County and Municipal Business Tax Receipts (formerly occupational license), Professional Licenses and/or Competencies, and any other required Certifications
- Copies of 2 to 3 contracts/invoices/bills of sale/etc. of services rendered in the last 12 months
Step 7: Select Submit
Step 8: If you have not already done so, you will need to register your company to do business with Broward County by becoming a registered vendor. This will allow you to view and respond to active Broward County solicitations. The process is free! To learn more, visit the Broward County Purchasing Division website to register in BPRO, Broward County's new Electronic Procurement System powered by Bonfire.