
View the Flood Zone Maps

Residents and businesses in Broward County are encouraged to view the current flood zones map and FEMA's flood zones map effective July 31, 2024, to better understand their potential flood risk and to help identify steps they may need to take to protect against property damage and loss. We encourage property owners to also use the interactive tools on this webpage to see their current (July 31, 2024) flood zones and the superseded August 18, 2014, flood zones. ​

The maps are used by insurance companies for flood insurance purposes and the base flood elevations must be used for all new construction and substantial improvements to existing construction.

Property owners and renters should consider purchasing a flood insurance policy, even if it is not mandated for their location. All areas are susceptible to flooding, although to varying degrees.

Flood Zone Maps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

​Note: When using the Interactive Tool (linked on the right), please use Google Chrome as your browser. ​​


Flood Zone Designation​s

The following flood zone designation determines whether or not flood insurance is mandated.

Zone AO​ Flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to areas of shallow flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain) with average depths between 1 and 3 feet. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply.
Zone AE Flood insurance rate zone that corresponds with flood depths greater than 3 feet. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply.
Zone AH Flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to areas of shallow flooding with average depths between 1 and 3 feet. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply.​​
Zone VE Flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to coastal areas that have additional hazards associated with storm waves. Mandatory flood insurance requirements apply.

Zone X-Shaded(0.2 PCT Annual Chance Flood Hazard0.2 PCT Annual Chance Flood Hazard)

Zone X

Flood insurance rate zones that are outside the flood plain or the average flood depths of less than 1 foot. Flood insurance purchase is not mandatory.

Using the Interactive Map Viewing Tool for Current (July 31, 2024) Flood Zones Map

You can use the interactive map viewing tool for Current (July 31, 2024) Flood Zones Map to find out if your home or business is in a flood zone. To use the tool, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the interactive t​ool

  2. Once the pop-up box designating the approximate location of your address on the map appears, find your house and click it.​

  3. A new pop-up window will appear with the FEMA Flood Designations effective July 31, 2024, and the FEMA Flood Designations Effective August 18, 2014, for your address (NOTE: Certain areas of the county have unchanged flood zone designation, and Flood Map Panel will not be updated. If you are within this area, only the FEMA Flood Designations Effective August 18, 2024, will be shown in the pop-up window).  

Please note: ​​

  • The pop-up window for a selected parcel will also provide the 100-year elevation (base flood elevation or BFE) in the current (July 31, 2024) and the superseded August 18, 2014, flood maps. It must be noted that for parcels with multiple BFE’s, in the current and/or proposed maps, the pop-up window will indicate the highest BFE.