Welcome to Water Matters Month! A wonderful time to value our water and the environment.
Check back each week to solve a new riddle and make sure to save your answers to solve the word search at the end of March. If you're having a hard time figuring out the riddles, follow us on Instagram to get hints.
Submit your completed word search to win prizes by emailing EnvironmentalOutreach@broward.org with the subject Environmental Riddle and Word Search Game or by taking a picture of it and tagging us on social media. Good luck!
Regresa cada semana para resolver un nuevo acertijo y asegúrate de guardar tus respuestas para resolver la sopa de letras a finales de Marzo. Si te cuesta averiguar los acertijos, síguenos en Instagram para obtener pistas.
Gana premios! Envía tu sopa de letras por correo electrónico a EnvironmentalOutreach@broward.org con el tema Sopa de Letras Ambiental o tómale una foto y etiquétanos en las redes sociales. Buena suerte!
Week 1/Semana 1 (March 1- 7)
EN #1 I can roar, whistle, and bite yet have no mouth. What am I? _ _ _ _
SP #1 Silbo, aúllo, y susurro, pero no tengo boca. ¿Que soy? _ _ _ _ _ _
EN #2 I am a place with five letters. But move the last letter to the first spot, and this place becomes an organ. _ _ _ _ _
SP #2 Soy un sitio con seis letras. Si dejas solo la primera y tercera, soy una bebida caliente. Si dejas la primera, segunda, y ultima, soy un miembro de la familia._ _ _ _ _ _
Week 2/Semana 2 (March 8- 14)
EN #3 I can come in the form of a breeze or heat and sometimes exhibit great potential. _ _ _ _ _ _
SP #3 Puedo estar en la forma de una brisa o calor, y a veces demuestro gran potencial. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
EN #4 I can easily get carried away, but I matter! I am a danger to human health, and I love to hang out in the air. I am special because I am made up of both solid and liquid particles. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SP #4 ¡No tengo madera para ser grande, pero soy importante! Soy perjudicial para la salud, y me encanta estar en el aire. Soy especial porque estoy hecho de partículas sólidas y líquidas. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Week 3/Semana 3 (March 15- 21)
#5 Anything that you do not want I will accept. Some may argue that I stink, but my vulture friends spend so much time flying above me that I do not agree!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SP #5 Yo acepto cualquier cosa que tu no quieras.
¡Algunos pensaran que soy apestoso, pero mis amigos buitres vuelan sobre mi tan frecuentemente que yo no estoy de acuerd
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
EN #6
Vital to life on earth, a shield for the sun I do make, yet a breath of me and your lungs may ache. What am I?_ _ _ _ _
SP #6
Soy vital para la vida en el planeta tierra, soy un escudo contra el sol, pero al respirarme puedo hacer doler tus pulmones. Que soy? _ _ _ _ _
Week 4 Word Search/Semana 4 Sopa de Letras (March 22- 30)
EN #7 I am neither water nor ground, but combine these two concepts and you get the word I am, its compound.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
SP #7
No soy ni agua ni suelo. En ciertas temporadas me puedes encontrar lleno de agua y en otras temporadas me puedes encontrar sin agua. Que soy? _ _ _ _ _ _
EN #8
What runs but never walks, often murmurs yet never talks, has a bed but never sleeps and has a mouth yet never eats?_ _ _ _ _
SP #8
Puedo correr pero no caminar, murmurar pero no hablar, tengo una boca pero nunca como, y traigo piedras pero no tengo manos. Que soy?_ _ _
EN #9
Lead, petroleum, and asbestos are commonly found at our sites.We appear to have no value but if you invest in cleaning us up,
We will bring many benefits to your community!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SP #9
Plomo, asbestos, y petróleo son comúnmente encontrados en mis sitios. Aparentamos no tener valor, pero si inviertes en nosotros y nos limpias, le traeríamos muchos beneficios a tu comunidad! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Email us to request the Word Search Puzzle! Envianos un correo electronico para recibir la Sopa de Letras!
Email: EnvironmentalOutreach@broward.org
Virtual Opportunities
- Storytime with a Scientist- A reading in English and Spanish of The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up premieres on YouTube on March 15, 2021 at 1p.m.
At Home/In School Activities
Water Matters in Your Community

- Wide, shallow baking pan
- Spray bottle filled with water
- Outdoor materials such as rocks, dirt, twigs, leaves, flowers, seeds, shells, etc.
- Make a model of your neighborhood in your shallow baking pan using the outdoor materials you’ve collected (without using any water).
- Once this is complete, use the spray bottle filled with water to act as rain and observe where the water goes!
Discussion Questions
- Where did the water go? Did it all gather in one place, or different places?
- Which substances absorbed water? Which did not?
- How is this similar or different from our actual neighborhoods?
Dragonfly Pond Activity
Adapted from the Aquatic WILD K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide
- Pencil (optional)
- Scissors
- Wax paper
- Water
- Pipette
- Seven (7) small (preferably clear) containers
- Food coloring (preferably all 4 colors)
- One (1) straw
- Timer
- Print the Map of Dragonfly Pond and Land-Use Patterns sheets.
- Cut out and place the land-use patterns shapes along your Map of Dragonfly Pond.
- Once you’ve finalized your neighborhood layout, place the wax paper over your map.
- Designate a color to each of the following groups: factory and firehouse, houses and condo, farm feed lot and farm cornfield, park, dry cleaner and gas station, and grocery and restaurant. For example, you can follow the list order above and assign the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple respectively.
- Mix the food coloring to get each color in the six separate containers. Leave one container with clear, un-dyed water.
- Place 1-3 drops of the respective color on each shape (more drops for larger shapes, less drops for smaller shapes).
- Place a drop of water on one end of the paper. Have the straw ready and start the timer.
- Using your straw, see how quickly you can blow your water droplet across without letting it pick up any contaminants (without touching any of the colorful water droplets) and without falling into the pond.
- When you’ve gotten the water droplet to the other side of the paper, stop the timer!
- BONUS: Note the time this took you and challenge a friend by sending them this activity. See if they can beat your time, or even just discuss your different neighborhood layouts!
Discussion Questions
- Would you go back and change your map layout if you could? Why or why not, and how would you change it?
- What are some ways that each of the different pollutants can be reduced?
- How is this activity the same as what would happen in real life? How is it different?