
​​Banner showing graphic of Future Condition Map Series

Why are Future Conditions Map Series necessary?

Future Conditions Map Series are necessary to:

  1. Account for conditions expected during the lifecycle of new structures;
  2. Provide an appropriate tool for long-term infrastructure and site planning;
  3. Ensure the resiliency of current and future infrastructure investments by addressing future flood risk (resulting from rising groundwater table, projected sea level rise, and expected increases in rainfall intensity) in the design and licensing of surface water management systems in Broward County; and
  4. ​Advance the resiliency standards and investments needed across the​ region, ultimately protecting both public and private infrastructure, preserving the quality of our environment, reducing flood insurance premiums, and ensuring a vibrant and competitive economy.

Which Future Conditions Maps are available?

For future conditions average wet season groundwater elevations:

For future conditions 100-year flood elevations:

​When are the Future Conditio​ns Map Series used?

The applicable Future Conditions Map (Groundwater and 100-year flood elevations) must be used in all new applications for a surface water management license, applications for major redevelopment of existing sites, and application​s for major modifications to existing surface water management license.  The definition of major redevelopment can be found in Section 27-19 of the Broward County Code of Ordinances ("Code").

Antecedent conditions requirements for groundwater can be found in Section 27-200 (b) (5) a. 3. b) of the Code.

Flood protection requirements for the lowest habitable building finished floor elevation can be found in Sections 27-200 (b) (5) a. 3. c) and 27-200 (b) (5) a. 3. e) 4) (aa), of the Code. The 100-year flood elevations (from maps, permits, and calculations) are some of the criteria used to determine required finished floor elevations.

For more information on the Future Conditions Map Series contact Environmental Program Manager for Surface Water Management Licensing, Johana Narvaez at jnarvaez@broward.org​.​