Historical Maps of Environmental Interest

In 1992, Broward County joined thousands of organizations by implementing a geographical information system (GIS) into its operations. What is GIS? Quite simply, GIS is a way to geographically display and analyze various types of information on maps. GIS users generally need to know about many aspects of the land area in question. For example, a forester might be concerned with soil types, slope, age of forests, and projected yields. Prior to building new homes, a developer would want to know about zoning, accessibility of schools and shopping, and availability of water, sewage, electricity, and previous land uses.
Contained in this environmental atlas are those maps most frequently requested by the public.
The maps are for informational purposes only.
Much of the data listed below is historical and has not been recently updated. For the most current GIS Maps, please visit the
Broward County GIS Web Site.
Ambient Monitoring Site Locations (PDF 1,625 KB) - Location of Air, Surface water and Ground water sites that are monitored on a regular bases
Borrow Pit Reclamation Projects (PDF 1,723 KB) - Landfills or Borrow Pit Reclamation Projects in Broward County
Brownfields (PDF)
Compress Natural Gas (PDF 341 KB) - Compressed Natural Gas refueling stations in Broward County
Drainage Basins (PDF 345 KB) - Hygrologic Basins as defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Drainage Districts (201 KB) - Special taxing districts for surface water management and flood control
Electric Charging Station (PDF 384 KB) - Broward County Electric Charging Station
FEMA Flood Map (PDF 811 KB) - Federal Emergency Management Agency designation of flood zones used to determine flood insurance rate
Flood Zones and 100 year Flood Elevation (PDF 772 KB) - 100 year flood contour lines
Hazardous Material Transfer Stations (PDF)
Natural Resource Areas (LAPCs) (PDF 1,852 KB) - Local Areas of Particular concern, Environmentally sensitive land, Natural Resources area and Upland Tree Resources area
Municipality Boundaries (PDF 523 KB) - State parks, County Parks, City Parks and Municipalities Boundaries
Potable Water Supply Service (PDF 794 KB) - Water supply utility districts
Reefs Artificial PDF 1,168 KB) - Artificial Reefs in Broward County
Reef Natural (PDF 1,340 KB) - Natural Reefs of Broward County
Delineation of Saltwater Intrusion (PDF 1,124 KB) - The approximate inland extent of saltwater intrusion
Sewer Service Areas (PDF 1,219 KB) - Area that has sewer service available
Soils (PDF 544 KB) - General soil type
Licensed Solid Waste Mgmnt Facilities (PDF 1,712 KB) - Solid waste facilities that are licensed
Wastewater Treatment Areas (PDF 500 KB) - Areas serviced by each waste water treatment plant
Broward County Wetland (PDF 4,239 KB) - Areas that contain soils and hydrology to support wetland plants e.g. mangroves, marsh, wetprairies, etc.
For additional GIS maps of Broward County, please visit the
Broward County GIS Web Site.