Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)
Attention LIHEAP Customers: Due to funding availability and the overwhelming number of applications submitted on March 5, 2025, the LIHEAP application portal is now closed. If LIHEAP benefits are not available at the time of your application, your application may be screened for assistance through alternate funding sources. Please check back with us again at 8:30AM on April 2, 2025, as we process applications already received and assess funding availability.
Please review the instructions below to gather and prepare the documentation required for your application. As a reminder, incomplete applications will delay processing and will not be approved.
LIHEAP offers qualified families an opportunity to apply online for financial assistance for electric bill payments. The program is supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, funded in Broward County by the State of Florida, and administered by the Family Success Administration Division’s Community Action Agency, an agency of the Broward County Commission.
Important Reminders Before You Apply Online
- The Online Application Portal may be closed at times to permit timely processing of applications received to date. Check this website for portal availability.
- Please read all of the instructions provided and gather all required documents BEFORE proceeding to the Online Application Portal. Incomplete applications will not be approved.
- Don’t forget to include these forms with your online application:
Notice Regarding Social Security Number Collection
Authorization for Release
LIHEAP & CSBG Online Application Questionnaire
- Once you submit an application, make note of the application number. You will need this number for future correspondence about your application, or to check on its status. Please note that application does not guarantee acceptance.
- Please allow up to 15 business days for processing. Do not submit an additional application while awaiting approval of your first application. In the interim, continue paying your bill and/or make payment arrangements with Florida Power & Light so that your services are not disconnected.
Eligibility Guidelines
LIHEAP eligibility is based on income and household size. Please review the current guidelines in the table below.
1 | $30,588
2 | $40.000
| $49,411
| $58,823
5 | $68,234
6 | $77,646
7 | $79,411 |
8 | $81,175 |
9 | $87,150 |
For each additional person in the household with more than 9 people, add: | $8,070 |
Online Application Requirements:
On the last page of the online application, please notice the “Click here to upload document” button that you must click in order to upload documents from your local drive. To complete your online application, your documents can be scanned by using a desk scanner or by taking a picture of the documents with a phone or tablet. All scanned documents must be clear. Unclear scanned documents may cause a delay in your application process. Applications may be denied if the required documents are not received.
Required Scanned Documents:
- Valid Government issued Photo ID, for anyone 18 years of age and older, such as a State of Florida Broward County Driver’s License or Picture Identification.
- Proof of Permanent Resident Status for household members that are non-U.S. citizens.
- Social Security Cards for All Household Members.
- Birth Certificate for Children Age 5 or Younger.
- If you receive Section 8 or Public Housing, provide a copy of your Housing Contract and Lease Amendment or Notice of Rent Change which shows your name, address, and the effective date of your lease/amendment; and also a printout of your 50058 or 50059 from that shows your name and the amount of your Utility Allowance
- Valid FPL Bill.
- Notice Regarding Social Security Number Collection (click here to download form for completion)
- Authorization for Release
(click here to download form for completion)
- LIHEAP & CSBG Online Application Questionnaire
(click here to download form for completion)
Proof of all income received in the past 30 days for all Household Members including but not limited to:
- Current Year Disability and/or SSI Benefits Statement.
- Current Senior Citizens Retirement Benefits Statement.
- Current Pay Stub (consecutive pay stubs for last 30 days of employment).
- Current Unemployment Wage Determination Statement.
- Current Pension Printout.
- Current Child Support Verification Printout.
- Current AFDC/TANF Verification Printouts.
- Current Veteran Benefits.
- Current Worker Compensation Benefits.
- Bank statements and W-2 tax forms will not be accepted.
If necessary, additional documents may be required upon review of your application to determine eligibility.
Failure to include all required documents with your application will result in unavoidable delays and possible denial of your application.
You may now confirm that you have gathered all required documents to upload with your application by clicking the Online Application Portal button.
If necessary, you may use your application ID number, after clicking the View Application Updates button below, to upload additional documents and to review any updates.
LIHEAP Applications Are Now Online Only
Broward County has transitioned to an online-only application process. As of November 22, 2023, mail-in applications are no longer accepted. Visit this website or contact our Call Center at 954-357-5025 for the latest updates on application opening and closing dates.
LIHEAP is a federally funded program. By completing the LIHEAP application, you are certifying that all the information you provide to LIHEAP is true and accurate. Receiving federal monies by using false information may result in legal consequences.