Health Care Services
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Health Care Servives

The Health Care Services Section of the Human Services Department administers funds dedicated to providing the highest quality, consumer-friendly and cost-effective services to individuals with health care, behavior health, mental health and special health care needs as approved by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners. The Section is responsible for the professional oversight, as well as fiscal and contract administration, pertaining to the delivery of funded health care services, and related support services. Services include primary health care, behavioral health, mental health, and special health care services.

Section staff is responsible for assisting with both the creation and support of solicitations conducted on behalf of the Section, including proposal content and related documents. Staff provides information or clarification as to prior outcome attainment, program monitoring and fiscal performance of the agencies competing for funds. Finally, staff will negotiate agreements with those Applicants whose applications are recommended for funding, and subsequently approved by the Board of County Commissioners.

Collaboration County
If Broward County, Florida, had a health motto, it would be “collaboration works.” One out of 10 Floridians live in the county, one of the most expensive and diverse in the state. Leaders from government, business, and nonprofit sectors work in tandem to lower barriers to improvements in health, focusing on individuals and families who are working yet unable to afford basic needs such as affordable housing, food, child care, health care and transportation.

Broward County also demonstrates how a community can actively address and work to change the structures that perpetuate inequities by openly acknowledging practices that historically excluded some groups. They are creating public spaces for difficult conversations about racism that are changing policies and practices as well as attitudes, and their ability to work across sectors and engage a diverse community is creating a model for other communities to follow.

Learn more about Broward County's story and the rest of the 2019 RWJF Culture of Health Prize winners at