The Health Care Services Section of the Community Partnership Division provides the following programs and services:
Mental Health - Provides administration, monitoring and evaluation of contracted service providers for adult mental health services including crisis stabilization, mobile crisis, inpatient psychiatric services, mentoring and consumer support services. The Section also provides local match assistance to community mental health agencies receiving Florida Department of Children and Families funding for adult mental health services in order to assist those agencies in meeting their local match obligation.
Primary Health Care - Provides funding to the North and South Broward Hospital Districts through the administration, monitoring and evaluation of contracts for primary care services. This Section also provides a match to the State of Florida in order to draw down federal funding for the Broward Community and Family Health Center which is one of Broward’s Federally Qualified Health Centers.
Partnership with the Broward County Health Department - Provides funding pursuant to Florida State Statute (Chapter 154) to support the County Health Department and its programs in our community.
Special Health Care Services - Provides funding, through contract administration and monitoring, to not for profit agencies serving adults with special health care needs.
Mahogany Project - The section provides funding to the Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition for a pilot project which is working towards the reduction of high infant mortality rates in the County’s 33311 zip code area. The program provides intensive case management services including childbirth education, nutrition, breastfeeding and infant care to high-risk mothers. Mothers will improve their health and learn how to monitor the health of their baby as well as improve their knowledge of community resources, including education and employment, necessary elements on the road to a healthy family.
Health Care Responsibility Act (HCRA) - Administers the HCRA in Broward County by reimbursing other Counties’ HCRA approved hospitals for services provided to indigent Broward County residents in emergencies.
Ryan White Part A Program Office - The office serves as the administrative entity responsible for the administration, implementation, contracting, monitoring and evaluation of the federal funding for low-income persons and families under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 - Ryan White Act Part A. Funds are awarded to agencies that provide core medical and support services including Local AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance, Outpatient/Ambulatory Medical Care, Oral Health Care, Medical Case Management, Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse Services (Outpatient), Food Bank, Medical Transportation, Legal Assistance and Outreach.