
man at desk holding binder  


The Broward County Charter authorizes the Inspector General to commence an investigation if good cause exists to believe that a Broward county, municipal or school district official, employee, or provider has engaged in misconduct or gross mismanagement. The Inspector General may base her good​​​ cause finding on her own initiative or based on a signed, verified complaint.
As part of any OIG investigation, the Inspector General has the power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, subpoena the production of documents and records, and otherwise require the production of documents and records.

The OIG further has the power to audit any program, contract, or operation of any Broward county, municipal, or school district division, department, or office and to audit the operations or performance of any provider regarding any Broward county, municipal, or school district contract for compensation.

At the conclusion of an investigation, if the Inspector General finds probable cause to believe misconduct or gross mismanagement has occurred, the OIG may issue a final report or closing memorandum to the implicated parties, if any, and to the government entity(ies) involved. The OIG publishes all final reports and selected closing memoranda on this webpage.

If the Inspector General finds misconduct has occurred, the OIG may refer its findings to the appropriate enforcement agency for whatever action it deems appropriate.


    Call Us: (954) 357-7873 InspectorGeneral@broward.org
