
​​​​​​​​​Each Broward County board is overseen by a Department or Office assigned by County Administration, and each Director assigns a staff person to serve as the board’s coordinator.  The board coordinator is responsible for all administrative duties required to appropriately staff the board including attending meetings.  This page is specifically designed to assist all coordinators and his or her assistant to function efficiently and effectively, by providing general rules, regulations, and information.  Information on this page will be updated from time to time.  For more information not seen or if you have questions about the documents listed, contact the County Boards Administrator at boards@broward.org or 954-357-5934.

1. Article XII, Section 1-233, Broward Code of Ordinances

2. Attendance Policy, General Summary

3. Advisory Board Policies

4. Advisory Board Member Handbook​

5. Broward County Charter
