Broward County Ordinance 2012-32, relating to wage recovery, as codified in Chapter 20½-1 through 20½-9, Broward County Code, goes into effect on January 2, 2013.
If you have performed work in Broward County and your Employer either failed to pay or underpaid the wage rate applicable for the work you performed, you may be entitled to file a complaint with the Broward County Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Professional Standards to recover your earned wages.
Before filing a complaint with Broward County, YOU MUST:
- Notify your employer, in writing, within 60 (sixty) days after wages were due to be paid, that the
employer had not paid you all wages earned for work you performed; and
- Ensure that your written notice identifies: 1) all wages you claim were not paid or were underpaid to which you are entitled; 2) the actual or estimated work dates and hours for which you are seeking payment; and 3) the total amount of unpaid or underpaid wages owed through the date of the written notice.
Rights protected by Broward County's Wage Recovery Ordinance include the RIGHT to:
- File a complaint about an employer's alleged nonpayment or underpayment of wages earned which exceed $60.00.
- An administrative hearing before a qualified Hearing Officer, if your claim(s) are not resolved
through conciliation.
- If you prevail at the administrative hearing, the Hearing Officer will issue a final written order
requiring your employer to pay damages that may include: 1) all back wages owed; 2) liquidated
damages in an amount equal to the proven unpaid wages; and 3) reasonable costs and attorney's fees you incurred in connection with the administrative hearing.
- File an appropriate action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the final order, if the
employer fails to comply with the Hearing Officer’s final written order within thirty (30) days after
the date of issuance.
For details about the Wage Recovery Ordinance, see Sections 20½-1 - 20½-9, Broward County Code.